My Bully Is Now My Mom

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I was a quiet kid, I stayed to myself. Come to think of it I did everything by myself. My mom was a single mom and had multiple jobs so I'd never see her. My dad was always out of the picture. I taught myself how to ride a bike, how to shave, how to work a tampon, all of it. There was this one specific girl at school that I'd never even said a word to that would pick on me endlessly. One day she stopped doing it, and this went on for a few days till she slipped me a note. "Meet me at my house at 7 tonight, it contained an address and a number. I had nothing better to do that night and in the back of my foolish mind I thought the was gonna to try to be my friend. I knocked on her door. Her house was huge and it was probably worth more than what my mom makes in four years. I walked in nervously. She eyed me, hungrily. "My parents aren't home, let's go to my room." I should've ran far far away from that house from Amelia but instead I followed her. I was a very tiny girl 4'6, she was 5'9. I was also very skinny because it was hard for mom to put food on the table. I couldn't fight it when Amelia picked me up and threw me on the bed, suddenly I'm hand cuffed. "What are you gonna do to me?" I say freaking out. Amelia went under her bed and grabbed something, a syringe. "You'll just have to wait and see," she said. I feel the syringe go into me then all is black.

I wake up to the muffled sound of vomiting, then I remember what happened. I try to move or squirm but my body doesn't respond. Then I realize I'm really tiny. Then I see a cord and I realize Amelia somehow managed to make herself pregnant with me. I feel pressure near me, I assume it's her hand. "Thank god I am almost out of this first trimester." I then realized she'd have to be about 15 weeks pregnant with me. I didn't know whether to hate Amelia for this or love her for it, but I knew I was gonna make her pay for it. When I'd get to where I could move I'd stretch, kick, and fuck up anything I could in her body. Right now though I was really tired and decided I'd go to bed. I woke up and I was much bigger and could move around more. The space around me felt tight so I twisted and kicked to try and find relief. I felt that familiar pressure of her hand. "It's about time, you're already 20 weeks old." I continued to squirm. "If you remember what happened to you, do that again but a lot harder." I almost thought about playing stupid but I wanted her to know I was pissed. I felt a lot of anger build up inside of me and I squirmed and moved as hard and as long as I could. I felt another hand," Damnit, I must of did something wrong. Anyway I'm still very excited to see you, and don't you worry we'll fix that as soon as you come out. For right now though we have an ultrasound in 30 minutes and I need you to be good so I can get good pictures." I then felt a rocking back and forth moment and drifted off into sleep. I was woken by a lot of pressure around me. I hear a mans voice," You seem a little bigger than most women around this trimester, but that's totally fine." I feel a hand placed near me. Then she stands and she lays down. I then feel something cold, and I feel her shudder. This was the ultrasound and she was not gonna get good pictures of me. I moved into a ball and took my little hands and covered my face. I was very careful to make my legs cover my vagina, she wasn't getting off easy. I felt poke and profs but I wasn't budging. "Go to the bathroom," I hear the male voice says. She cooperated and the whole bathroom visit she was talking to me saying she was gonna do it or I was gonna suffer. I stayed firm but when she was done I had unwillingly moved. The doctor managed to get apparently a few good photos before I went back into stubborn mode. When we got in the car she started talking to me again," Okay you asked for I'm gonna have sex and it's going to be loud and you're gonna be uncomfortable and I don't care. She was right she moaned and and I felt pressure all over me. I didn't like it but my kicks didn't seem to phase her they just made her moan louder.

A had gotten a lot bigger and I sensed I was around the 30 week mark. I couldn't do the most damage yet but I could do a lot. I would constantly be inconviently tucked into her ribs. Sometimes I would lay out to give her belly a weird look, I also learned it was especially painful to her if I kicked her in her sides, so if she was being more annoying than normal, or excessively crying, or anything like that she would get a hard hit there. Everything thing surrounding me was super tight and it was annoying cause it swaddled me and I was constantly tired. Amelia started complaining more, she was apparently super swollen everywhere and hurt a lot.

A few weeks later.
I'd been getting bigger and bigger and with that I'd also been getting really squished. I would kick and stretch a lot Id do anything to get on Amelia's nerves, or pass the time. I'd fight to stay awake a lot and I loved keeping her awake at night.

A few more weeks later
I'd been hearing Amelia complain that I could come out any time now. The one issue was I didn't know how to. I was forecefully moved down toward the body where my head was cramped close and she would complain of pressure a lot. I then believe I heard a car. I had fallen asleep and I woke up to this conversation. "Can't you induce me or something?" "Amelia you're only overdue by a week, and sometimes due dates can be tricky to get right, so until your body starts to reject the baby or you go into labour I can't do much for you." She huffed and I felt her anger. I kicked and started moving around a lot cause I hated that feeling. Than it turned to sadness, then she started crying. "Please, I haven't slept in weeks, my bladder is a been bag, I'm swollen, and I'm constantly getting kicked all the time." I felt her move and I now assumed she was flirting with the doctor. "I'm sorry why don't you go home and calm down." She waddled out of that place as fast as she could. I was shocked, I thought she had him. We got in the car," Listen up mother fucker I'm going into labour today wether you like it or not." Honestly I didn't care at this point I was ready to be out. She moved a lot for the rest of the day and most of it was pretty uncomfortable for me. Nothing she did seemed to work, and this went of for a week and a half longer.

I'd been feeling the stuff around me tighten and it honestly sucked cause it pushed my down a little bit. Amelia complained about back pain, then it started getting worse for me, it was now everywhere around me. It finally clicked to Amelia she was in labour and she drove herself to the hospital cussing herself and me the whole way there. It was very repetitive for what seemed like hours, Amelia would cry in agony, I would get smushed. Suddenly the bag around me leaked. Amelia started screaming louder. I sensed more people. Amelia had apparently decided against an epidural cause I could hear her complain about it. "Sweetheart its to late now, this baby is coming." I was being forced down little by little, I could feel my head grow thinner, it didn't hurt it was just weird. "She's crowning," I hear. I suddenly get moved down even farther then I'm looking at a light. I close my eyes angrily. This goes on and Amelia screams her way through my shoulders. She had gotten one and she still had one to go when I hear," I can't do it, she's to big." There was suddenly an entourage of cheers, and Amelia groaned and screamed in exhaustion doing it again. After another push my shoulder popped free and my body left her body. Liquid was put in my eyes and I was weighed and cleaned and swaddled. I had a nice set of lungs I push to the test screaming at everyone making sure I was pissing everyone off, nothing worked on me. They handed me to Amelia and I shushed for a moment and when I heard the sigh of relief I screamed again. Amelia fighting my surprising newborn strength to contain me. Suddenly what I believe is one of her family members take me and that's when I lose my memory and I live with Amelia as her child.

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