Drivers Test Baby

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Me and my mom has sat in the DMV for hours. My had started getting these horrible back pains but brushed them off as the uncomfortable waiting chairs. I was a 6,1 male, and was 7.5 months pregnant. I was measuring on the large side though, but no matter, I had to take my license test. Even if I failed I still had to get my picture taken. I had a decent fake smile, till the baby made an uncomfortable shift and I was stuck in a grimace. I took a seat and waited a little longer till I was sent to go take the driving portion of the test. The examiner was a bigger women who was probably around her late 60s. I grabbed my stomach as we walked and she gave a look of disgust. I opened the car door and did my best not to groan while sitting down. I buckled up, and started the car. I went throughout my test, the first minute or so went good until I finally realized I was in labour. I'd had tons of Braxton Hicks, and this wasn't one of them. I breathed through my mouth trying to focus on the task at hand. I didn't even panic I didn't even react until another contraction sent me buckling over and I swerved. "HEY!" The woman screamed. I breathed taking back control of the road. "I'm sorry," I said pulling over into a parking space at a nearby coffee shop," I think I'm in labour," I said rubbing my bump. "Oh dear, you need to get in the back seat and I'll drive us back. "What about the test?" I asked. "Oh, you passed, I won't even mention the swerve." I heaved myself out of the front seat and layed on my side in the back seat. We made it back to the dmv in record timing. I went in, cause I knew I had to sign stuff. I was handed my license, and mom sighed sadly when she didn't get that picture perfect "passed my license" picture. I got back in the back seat. The contractions where really close together, already at just over 5 minutes apart. When I got heaved out of the car, my water broke all over the entrance cement of the hospital. I doubled over in pain. The two nurses who had came outside kept me from falling to the ground. I was rolled in into a wheel chair. I was grabbing stuff from other patients and screaming in agony all the way to my room. My scene gave me an immediate epidural though. Which didn't kick in. So I was left a crying, and looking like a pained mess.!My mom left me by myself almost immediately the whole idea of this made her sick. I'd only been in the hospital 30 minutes when I knew I needed to push. I started screaming in agony and a nurse peeked her head in. "I need to push," I said bucking my hips. She came and checked in and suddenly I was in stir ups and I was being told to push. I beared down pushing then stopped cause of the pain. This was becoming unbearable. "Just let me go home, don't make me do this anymore," I said crying. "Hon, it's to late for that, you're having this baby." "I screamed through another contraction. "Why don't we move you, to make it a little easier," the doctor stated a little forcefully. I cried and pleaded as they moved me to where I was on my knees, and my hands where out in front of me. "Now push," the doctor told me harshly. I grunted as I felt the baby move down several inches. "Good boy," the doctor told me. I panted and pushed through several more contractions. "One more and you're done," he tells me. I cry in anguish, but I manage. I feel the baby fall from me. I pass the placenta. I'm suddenly lowered down. My eyes were heavy. "What is it?" I ask. "It's a boy," the doctor tells me. I stay awake, my mom coming in asking if I was okay. "Go find my baby," I beg her. "What's it's name?" "Elliot," I tell her before welcoming the sweet embrace of sleep.

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