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"You look gorgeous,beautiful"

Asia's P.O.V

After we took our pictures we headed outside to the car, They opened the door for us and we got in...

Daniel was driving, dev was in the passenger seat while me,Reanna and Kev was in the back seat, Devin put his phone on the Aux Cord and we all started to dance and sing to the music ...
(Play the song above) ^^

Then that's when again my favorite song came on from them ..

"Lemme be first stop the one that could be there forever no ending"
(Kev sings to Reanna)
"Can I be ya first love no matter what they say if we know we winning" (Kevin takes Reanna's hand and places it on his chest)
"Cause they gon front like we need to slow down and they are too young,but baby we good..." (Kevin Continues to sing to Reanna and she sings back to him like thy are in some type of movie lol)
"We could be something that no one else should"(he whispers that part in her ear )
"I won't rush ya but I know just what want yeah, I wanna trust ya but you gotta let me know what you want,yeah"
"I wanna be ya first, be ya first kiss(won't let you go) promise you'll never be alone " (Then he kisses her)
"Wanna be ya first,be ya first love(long as you trust) just know there's no me without us" ( At this point Kev and Reanna are having a full on making out session)
"let me be the first to pick you up when you fall want to be the first to dry your tears stand tall" (Daniel sings out)
"Let me be ya first, be first, be ya first, Everything Everything thang, Thang,thang" ( Dev turns around and sings that part to me,god he looks so good I wanna kiss him but I don't want my first kiss to go down that way)

Now we are here at the restaurant and boyyy when I tell you it is fancy asf maneeee ITS FANCY AS FUCK ! Lol

 Now we are here at the restaurant and boyyy when I tell you it is fancy asf maneeee ITS FANCY AS FUCK ! Lol

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That's the restaurant ^^

We walk into the semi empty restaurant,Reanna and Kevin are hand in hand (Moving mighty fast there ain't ya Kev and Reanna ?!)

I hold on to both Daniel's and Devin's arms and we all go to our reserved tables

After some time a waitress named Layla comes and takes our order and I can tell she was really feeling Devin....

now when it comes to what's mine I do not play and that's a big fact !

"Hi I'm Layla and I will be your waitress today.."she says politely
"Do you guys know what you want to drink ?"

"I will have lemon tea with ice" I say
"Just water" Reanna says
"Same for me too" Kevin says
"Apple juice" Daniel says
And we all look at him and Laugh
"Don't come for me and my apple juice" he says chuckling
"I guess water would be fine too" Devin says
"Okay" as she winks at Devin like I'm not sitting right here

first everything | devin gordon Where stories live. Discover now