6/17/19 2:55 PM

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I'm going to document everything i've seen starting from today, but for context, i'll tell you what's happened from the three days prior. My great uncle or something died recently, as it turns out, he left his entire estate to me. He left me a decent sum of money, but nothing i can pay my college debt off with, his house and all the land of course, and a chest with all of his old military stuff. i figured moving into that place would be better than having to spend money on rent, so i moved out of my apartment into the house. it was a nice place, 3 stories, 6 bedrooms, basement, attic, the whole schebang. since the place was so big, i decided to invite a few of my friends to stay with me. the first day there was great, we got our stuff settled, picked rooms, and got comfortable. By the night, we were all drinking and hanging out on the deck, daniel said that he'd heard something weird out by the trees but we assumed he was drunk. we all headed inside and went to sleep, that next morning we all woke up, and found daniel in his bathroom throwing up, we all laughed at him for drinking to much and he told us to piss off. the rest of that day was relatively normal, until that night. we got home to our front door wide open. we called the cops and they got there within 15 minutes. they searched the house and said nothing had been stolen, and no one was in the house, worse even, the door wasn't busted open, it was as if someone had unlocked it. as of that moment the only people we knew to have a key were myself, daniel, harry, eric, and aaran. we decided to have eric and daniel go out to grab some "weapons" while we stayed home to keep watch. once they got home with a baseball bat for each of us, we ordered some uber eats and had some hibachi for dinner. we were still a little shook up but we managed to lighten the mood with movies. at this point it was now the next day, but still only about 3 in the morning. this is when the first thing i can't explain happened. we heard a massive noise from the basement. a place with only one entrance. we all grabbed our bats and sprinted towards the door, now open. we left daniel to watch the door while we went down to investigate the noise. if someone had broke in, we wouldn't be caught off guard. we got down the steps and turned on the lights, there was a bit of wallpaper scraped off the wall, and beside it, something carved into the wall. "get out". at this point we heard daniel yell. for the sake of not getting banned on here, i can't show his condition. we got upstairs to find a blood trail leading to the kitchen. we followed it and found daniel. in the time we were down there, he had managed to get pinned up against the fridge, large nails covering his body holding him to it. his legs were bent out of shape and we noticed his ring finger was missing. we called the cops and they came to check it out. after seeing the scene and taking our statements, we rushed to the hospital to check on daniel. as i'm writing this, daniel still hasn't woken up, but under his shirt that found some sort of shape carved into his torso, i'll leave a drawing here with the post. i'm writing this from the hospital but i'll be sure to update if anything happens. eric is about to come swap out with me to keep daniel company.

 eric is about to come swap out with me to keep daniel company

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