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The next morning I was hoping that they would have gotten over such a stupid argument. They didn't. In fact Samantha stayed over at May's. So when I got on the bus I saw both of them.

Now let me say the three people to a seat thing is crappy because if everyone isn't a stick then someone would be hanging off the seat.

Luck me I get to me that person.

When I sat in my seat I didn't even try to say hello. If they wanted to say hey they can but im not gonna embarrass myself just to get no reply.

Guess what they didn't say hello.

Back then I didn't understand how amazing music was. Thanks to them though I was starting to get it. I plugged in my headphones and turn my music up.

During the ride I started to fall off the seat so I grabbed the back of the one in front of me and tried to scoot more into the seat. Key word tried. In the middle was Samantha and by the window was May.

Samantha and I weren't at all big but I had a waist. May was a little more on the skubby side, see what I did there I mixed skinny and chubby, but not complete seat taking.

So there should have been enough room.

As I attempted to scoot over Samantha didn't allow me to.

"Ew. Stop don't touch me."

That hurt. As if my self-confidence wasn't low enough. I looked down and guess what. Both of them had their backpacks in the seat right beside them.

Who does that please tell me who. It was fairly obvious that I was hanging off the fucking seat, but me being the patient person I am, I asked them to move their backpacks from the seat to their laps or something so that I can fit.

You want to know what happened. They both looked at me and laughed like genuinely right in my face laughed.

After that ordeal I was upset and annoyed but if that wasn't enough the two of them started to push me to the edge of the seat. The freaking seat I was already hanging off of. At his point I already took out my headphones we are almost at school anyway.

I was surprised at their behavior it was extremely annoying and I could feel my headache start to come on already. I get those easily though.

When I entered school I was a little pissed but hey that's fine. I walked to the cafeteria to my friends and Sat down beside Johnny or Jonathan. I pretty much just stayed quiet the whole breakfast.

I'm usually not, but no one noticed.

When I entered homeroom I was way happier because I have it with Kade Matthews who I have had the strongest crush on since sixth grade.

In our homeroom we work on our class work for other classes, and lucky me I finished all of mine in the classes I got them from.

We have assigned seats in this class and  I sit at a table for 6 with five people at it and the people who sit with me are. Kade, Dominic who I recently made my friend, Anastasia, Ally and me.

I was friends with all of them but not close with any of them. Me and Dom became friends after a while of my pestering. What can I say :)

Nothing interesting happened the rest of the day, so good I think? But I will admit that I wasn't at all excited for the bus ride home, obviously.

Samantha and May were acting very childish and it was starting to really get on my nerve's. A couple days before This started I stayed over May's on the weekend it was okay but she wasn't acting like a brat then so....

Whenever I walked on the bus there was a sub yayy (that is sarcasm) I hate having subs on our bus because the route for the bus I guess is difficult and they are never able to go the correct way. Making the ride longer for my stop. yay.

When I sat down the duo were of course already there. I did my best to ignore the two, but they wanted to make their presence known.

"Ew. Look she got on today. She better not touch me." Samantha you could've done better there, come on girl.

"She stinks." Okay I'm sorry. I laughed out loud. May is most definitely not the one who should be talking about people's smells. She smells like pee literally everyday and it's not the usual piss it's like cat piss. I don't know why but I think of a sharp smell.

I don't point stuff like that out to people though. So you can guess that I stayed silent.

Samantha asked me what so funny. You wanna know what I did I looked at her and looked away. I dont know if she really thought I would answer that. Like honestly treat me like trash then expect me to let you in on my mind. Bish please.

Two weeks later

I hate to admit it but Samantha and May are starting to get to me and yes they're still being annoying little bitches.

I've become more closed off lately and I listen to music pretty much all the time none if my friends seem to know or care about it though.

I made a new friend though she is amazing. In a short time she became my closest friend and we just seemed to click. Her name is Claire and she is the only person who has asked about me.

I told her all about everything and she always helps bring up my spirit but she isn't ever there when it happens so how can she help.

Twas the end of the day and I somehow got the window seat I thought it would be better for me since they have been pushing me out of the seat. It wasn't.

The two walked on the bus and planted themselves right next to me and I mean right beside me. Bodies touching type of stuff.

I was instantly grossed out by May's smell that seemed to have been getting stronger. Sharper.

During the ride the two were shoving me and forcing me on the window. At one point Samantha slammed my head on the window and surprisingly it didn't break. It didn't help my already throbbing head.

The two called me names. They picked at my already low self-esteem. Pointing out my flaws I was already aware about. It was really draining.

Recently the bus route changed. So now the stops were Samantha, me, then May. I hated it. May's older sister Kat chose these times to join in on picking on me

I thought you were nice Jade. You've changed. All this crap. She didn't even know me. She only saw me that one time when I was at Mays home. Did she know my life story? No she didn't, whatsoever. She wasn't even in my grade. She was a whole two grades above me. In high school.

I have no idea what May says I did to her but apparently it was so abrasive that I need to get 'bullied' for it.

I walked of the bus and when it rounded the corner and I was away from people, I cried.

Im weak. I'm a pushover. What they were saying was getting to me. I feel like no one cares though. I'm obviously losing myself. Cowering away from the two.

I hate this.

Chapter two
What's happening with Jade?

How will she get them to stop?

Can she take it?

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