Chapter Nine

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Wednesday morning is a such a drag for Trevante. His late night phone call with Ciara completely caught him off guard and messes up his routine. He missed his 5AM gym session and barely drags himself into work. As he reluctantly types up his marketing proposal for Proverbs, he receives a text.

You sleep okay?

Trevante smiles at Ciara's name glowing from his phone. He thought about texting her that morning, just to make sure that she was okay. But texting first is never Trevante's style. 

Not really lol. You?

Ciara woke up that morning with an extra hop in her step. She hadn't had a moment like that in years. Trevante made her laugh but also made her feel special. His willingness to open up to her made her think that they were onto something and she liked that. She snaps back into reality as she walked into class. As she tries to make sense of the lecture, her mind keeps drifting to thoughts of whether Trevante is thinking about her.

And also if he is being sincere.

Ciara knows Trevante as the guy who has different girls inside of his apartment every night. She knows him as the guy who, up until a month ago, would barely talk to her when they passed each other in the hallway, seeming distant with intention. Knowing her past, it would make sense that Trevante is using her a coping mechanism, manipulating her as he does with the other girls.

She wonders how long it would be until Trevante would try her. Is he doing all of this to add her to his roster? But if he wanted her, he would have did that a long ago.

She doesn't want to think about Trevante this way. Thinking it is unfair to make judgements about who he is, she responds to his text to assuage her fears – and her guilt.

Yeah. Had a late start today. In class right now.

Trevante doesn't know what to say in response. Texts from women tend to pertain to one of two things: "what time are we meeting up?" And "what are we?" Trevante breaks hearts as much as he breaks backs. He isn't used to having deep conversations with women. Except for last night. Last night felt different. He found himself caught up on her words and her laughter. He didn't want the conversation to end.

Oh okay. I'll leave you alone then.

I texted you first, Tre. I want you to bother me lol

Trevante lets out a slick laugh and tries to think of something slick to say in return.

Bother me at dinner then?

LOL. What time, Tre?

Seven. Sugarhouse on Vine.

I got you :)

Trevante didn't do dates. Except for today. As he powers through his notes from last night, Scott walks into his office.

"Hey, Trevante! I'm looking forward to tomorrow."

"Me too, Scott. Should be good."

"You'll be meeting with Hampton Scott, the executive director and shadowing some of his staff afterwards. I showed them some of your past work, they're pumped."

Trevante laughs at Scott's overenthuiasm.

"Sounds good. I'm going to stay late in the office tonight. I'm meeting a friend in town for dinner."

"You got it, Tre."

Trevante calls Sugarhouse for a reservation.

"Girl, all you have our cardigans and track pants. I'm through with you." Mahalia exclaims as she tosses Ciara's clothes all over the place. "Oh, this skirt is cute!"

"I don't dress like you, Sis. Okay. I ain't out here like you."

"Fuck is that supposed to mean?" Mahalia  rolls her eyes playfully and tosses that skirt to Ciara.

"I am just ... I'm going on a date with this dude. I can't believe it."

"That must have been one hell of a conversation y'all had last night."

"It was cool. I was surprised that he called me. And I told him about his noise problem too."

Ciara didn't tell Mahalia how desperately she wants to be next contestant of his night games too.

"You better play it right tonight."

"Nah, I can't."

She could but she can't. She wants to but she won't.

"As much as I want to, Sis..." Ciara laughs as she pulls out her favorite lip color.

Time seems to slow down as Ciara made her way to Sugarhouse. She always wanted to go there with its Southern cuisine and smoky atmosphere. It's all wooden decor and red velvet seating made the place seem so posh. The bartenders dressed in ties and vests. The music out of 1950s nightclub, like a scene out of Paris Blues.

Unbeknownst to her, Trevante is right behind her. He gently grabs her waist before opening up the door for her. The bartender gives Trevante a headnod as Ciara and him head to their table.

"I walk past this place all the time. Lives up to what I thought it would be."

"Yeah. It's amazing. You look amazing." Ciara wasn't ready for that. Trevante wasn't ready for it either. It came out of him haphazardly but he has no regrets.

"You too. In your Sunday's best." Ciara quips. "You clean up aight."

"I try. Order whatever. I got you."

"Oh you got me, huh? That's new."

Time flies as they talk for hours, like last night but in person. She admires how wide he grins when he laughs and how much he loves to keep eye contact. He notices how shifty her eyes would be when she didn't want to  feel as if you're staring into your soul. He loves how she leans into the conversation and how she can talk in circles about the things she loves. She'd bounces off the back of the chair when she is passionate about something and how her eyes would light up.

She notices his tendency to manspread and how he leans back into a chair when he deeps in thought. How he'd looks coy when you would compliment him and how soft spoken he'd get when he sends compliments in return.

As they proceed to gather their things, an older Black woman gracefully walks to their table. Her coiffed grey hair and pearl necklace make her look regal.

"Excuse me, I just have to let you two know something." Ciara readjusts herself as if she's about to get scolded.

"I've been watching you two all night. Not in a bad way." Ciara and Trevante laugh. "Any woman that makes you laugh like that is a keeper. You hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am." Trevante's Southern manners shines through his response. Ciara's eyes start to shift as Trevante stares right at her.

As they land in the parking lot of their building, Ciara and Trevante take their slowest time getting to their floor. As much as Ciara doesn't want to the night to end, she knows it has to end and as much as Trevante wants to respect her boundaries, he knows he doesn't want to but must keep himself in line. 

"Good luck at that pitch meeting tomorrow. I was happy to help." Ciara says, standing in front her door with her keys already in hand. Trevante notices that she is not playing around. 

"Thanks. Should go well."

They drift into headspaces of what to do. Ciara wants to open her door and have Trevante follow her in. Trevante wants to open his door and let her in first. Ciara didn't think she'd need to have this conversation with Trevante. But she knows she has to say something, especially to herself. 

"I'm about to make this super awkward, Tre. But we're adults."

"What you mean by that?"

"I feel like you want to ask me something. Just ask it."

Trevante mulls over his decision. He wants to bring her back to his place but he knows her deal. Maybe for a drink, he thinks. But they've been drinking. He lies to himself about what he wants to do but knows he can't do it any longer. He goes for it. 

"Fuck it. Do you want to come in?"

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