Everyone has their own worries考えれば考えるほど、
The more you think about it,苦しくて苦しくてたまらない
The more it hurts you誰かに打ち明けたい
You want to share with someoneでもできない
But you just can'tでは、書いてみればどうかな?
Then, how about you try to write it down?白いノートに書いてみれば、
If you try to write in down,落ち着くかもよ
Maybe you can calm down a bit
心の響き ー Echo of the Heart
Randomじっと耳を傾けるとその響きが聞こえてくる If you listen closely, you'll be able to hear it 「大丈夫じゃなくてもいいよ」と Saying that "It's okay not to be okay" 「泣いてもいいよ」と Saying that "It's okay to cry" 「僕らは強いわけじゃないからな」と Saying that "because we all not that strong"