Chapter 2

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Mia woke up at exact 5 am to ready her things, as she will be picked up by the castle carriage by 8 am.

Mia's POV

" so to dayis the day huh? " i thought

After i finish packing up my stuff and my lessons i went to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast... I prepared myself a simple breakfast of rice, egg, some vegetables, and my favorite a delicacie in Clairines and my favorite " sohagi " a food made of glutinous rice...

As i sat down the chair i kept thinking "ok im gonna do it! , i agreed right? " , "lets just hope that second prince attitude is nice and polite"

End of mia's POV

At about 7 am Mia is ready to go to the castle she was just waiting, while waiting his grandfather segen finally woke up " oh good morning grandfather! " mia said then her grandfather greeted her " good morning mia! , ready for today? " mia answered with a little frown on her face " guess so, ive prepared you breakfast its in the kitchen " " thank you darling, dont frown ok? It doesnt look good on you " mia said " ok " and smiled again, while her grandfather was walking to the kitchen mia turned around and said " what did my parents do? " " what? " her grandfather said " i mean viktor our family is close to the royal family he knew our family and our family has done a lot of things for them, what did we do? " " u-umm dont worry about that maybe its just you know? I'll just eat my breakfast "

"something is wrong my grandfather lied i know he lied! Well i just have to figure out myself what my family has done!!" me thougt with a little confident face..

At 8 am the carriage arrive at the front of mia's house...
Mia saw the carriage and immediately grabb her bags and said " grandfather the caariage i shall take my leave now " the grandfather step out of the kitchen to say goodbye to mia " goodbye dear mia! Good luck " he said " thank you ill do a good job " mia said

Mia went outside and walk to the carriage and before the guard opened the carriage he said " good morning Ms. Mia, " " why thank you, goodmorning to you as well " mia said while smiling when the guard opened the door and mia steped in her is wiedened as he saw the king " y-your i mean v-vikor! ,  goodmorning viktor " mia said a little nervous " goodmorning to you too mia,  please come in and sit down " viktor said when mia got  in the carriage " lets go! " viktor said to the guard and the coachman " i am deeply sorry mia that i did not went outside to see you " viktor said with a little down face " it is fine Viktor " Mia said.....Mia sighed

where really gonna go to the castle now huh?  mia thought

" you seem to be nervous mia?  " viktor said " oh no.  I am very fine vikor " mia said " you know,  you might like one of my sons" viktor said with a silly face 😉 " what do you mean b that viktor?  " mia said with a confused face 😕 vikor laughed a little and said " fuu~fuu~ you might fall in love with my son and be together,  get married,  have children ,  you know what i mean?  " he said with a silly face 😝 " what? ,  i am only going to teach them,  i will only do my job " mia said with a serious face ".if you say so " said viktor with a mischievous face😛..

Oh yeah i should ask him about my family!  mia thought

" viktor,  what did my family do to be close to the royal family?  " mia siad with a curious face viktor said with a little shocked face " oh?,  well " 😮 but mia's questioned was never answered because one of the guards said they were at the front of the castle " oh!  Im terribly sorry not to answer your question mia because were here already " viktor said 😅 " its fine viktor " mia said with a down face

I know theyre not telling me something here first my grandfather now viktor oh-oh i need to find out what it is! Mia thought

" welcome to Enmando Castle! " viktor said with a very cheerful face😀 mia just stared as all of the guards line up and said " Welcome Ms. Mia Otosaka " all of the guards said " Thank you, I am deeply honored to serve the royal family " mia said with serious but grateful face 😌

Thats all for the second chapter!!!!! Hope you enjoyed it!!

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