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Loud music blared through the speakers and the disco lights danced around the room.
Jaemin sat annoyed on the couch, as he glared at the two boys on the dance floor.
The way Jeno held onto the others hips and danced to the beat with ease.
Why couldn't Jeno do that with him instead.
Why was Jeno such a  flirt with everyone.
Jaemin continued observing in jealousy and he squinted his eyes as he saw Jeno pulling the boy closer to himself. Then he ran a hand through his hair and Jaemin was getting more and more furious by Jeno's actions.
He crumpled the now empty cup of alcohol In his hands and threw it too the ground, unable to contain his emotions.
Donghyuck noticed and glanced at Jaemin. Hyuck followed his eyes to Jeno before sighing and seating himself beside the caramel haired boy.
"Are you Jealous again?" Jisung spoke as he made his way to Jaemin.
"No." He muttered.
"You can't lie to us. That fiery glare can be seen from miles away." Donghyuck tuned in.
"I'm not jealous! I'm annoyed..." Jaemin informed.
"Annoyed about what?" Jisung queried.
"I'm annoyed that Jeno doesn't know the first thing about being Loyal..." Jaemin groaned.
Jisung and Donghyuck looked at him, unsure how to respond.
"Then you've got to make him Loyal?" Donghyuck voiced out. Jaemin acknowledged Donghyuck's idea.
He stood up, perhaps trying to confront Jeno but as soon as he did, Jeno flashed his bright eye smile at the younger, making his heart thump and body feel weak.
He instantly sat back down and gulped nervously.
Jisung and Donghyuck laughed at the boy, who playfully hit them.
"It's a tricky situation, okay!!!???" Jaemin expressed.

Jaemin will find a way.
He always did.
He will make Jeno loyal.
No matter what.

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