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Jeno paced around his room. Was he really gonna do this. He had just woken up and was already freaking out. Jeno had never felt so sure about something and hesitant to do it at the same time. But that's how he could tell that this would make their relationship brighter. So, He had to do it. For Jaemin. For their relationship. He rummaged through his bag and pulled out the rings. He twirled them in his fingers and let out a deep sigh.
"I can do this." He muttered to himself before stuffing the rings in his pocket and moving to the door. As he opened the door Jaemin stood with his hand out, ready to knock. He froze. He was planning on confessing straight away but as soon as he saw Jaemin, he couldn't do it. He had to build up all his confidence to even speak a word.
"Uh... Hey!" Jeno breathed out.
"Good morning!" Jeno smiled and Jaemin stayed quiet.
"You... Uh... Do you want to go get some break- " He started only to be tackled by a hug.
"Cupcake?" He questioned before wrapping his arms around the boy.
"Let's just stay like this for a minute, please." Jaemin said so Jeno tightened his grip and rested his chin on Jaemin's shoulder. He lifted one hand from Jaemin's waist, to stroke his hair. It seemed like Jaemin had really felt the loss of Jeno's presence since the night before.
Jeno pulled away and pressed a kiss to Jaemin's forehead.
"Breakfast?" Jaemin questioned and Jeno nodded .
"Yay, food!" Jaemin cheered as he pulled Jeno to the cafeteria. A smile played on Jeno's lips as he thought of how nice it'd be to call Jaemin his.

At 1pm everybody had to do strategic activities. They did archery, Military training and target practice. The whole time Jeno's eyes where glued on Ten and Jaemin. Although he now knew Ten was taken, he still didn't like how close the two were. Especially when Ten had his arms around Jaemin to help with his aim.
Maybe I should do it now. Jeno thought. He looked around. Everyone minding their own business, practicing their own techniques. A very cool atmosphere to give a promise ring.
Jeno pulled the rings out again to glance at them. How would he do it. Should he get down on one knee, Should he give a speech, should he just straight up kiss the boy.
The possibilities were endless and that only made things more difficult.
"Baby?" Jaemin called. Jeno instantly grasped the ring tight in his hand and stuffed it in his back pocket.
"Yeah." He looked at Jaemin.
"What was in your hand?" He asked.
"Nothing, nothing..." He paused and Jaemin shrugged off the thought.

He looked up at Jeno and puckered his lips for a kiss to which Jeno complied. He pecked Jaemin's lips a few times before gently pushing him away and continuing with target practice.

At 5pm everyone was playing games in groups. Mainly the Mafia game. Jeno just did whatever sighing at how pathetic he was because he was still struggling to confess.
When the game finished there was 20 minutes until lunch and Jaemin was sat listening to some music on a bench by himself. It seemed like the perfect moment to surprise him.
"Dude, don't push yourself." Xiaojun said as he approaches Jeno.
"Hmmm?" Jeno questioned.
"I told you to try and do it today, if you still can't then that's fine. Take your time." Xiaojun elaborated.
"I know but I want to do it. The problem is that the atmosphere is never perfectly fitting with the gesture. Do you understand?" Jeno asked but Xiaojun laughed.
"I never really understand you but it's all good. Do it when the time feels right for you!" He patted Jeno's back for reassurance before walking away. He looked back at Jaemin and ran to him. He picked Jaemin up and twirled him around making him scream in surprise.
"Jaemin-ah! You're so cute!" He pinched Jaemin's cheek as he placed him down.
"Idiot! You scared me."

This was it. It was the perfect time. 9pm. Around a campfire. Everyone else enjoying some toasted marshmallows and s'mores. Jaemin giggling and laughing like an angel.
The fireflies lighting up the sky, here and there. The warmth of the blazing fire. The humming of songs. All the happy faces. It was truly perfect. With the ambience of the atmosphere mixed with Jeno's soft tone and Jaemin's sweet smile. It was like a dream and with that Jeno stood up. He was ready. He was going to do it.
He stood Infront of Jaemin and looked down at him. Catching everyone's attention, wasn't what he intended but he didn't mind because he had Jaemin.
He held out a hand for Jaemin to get up and he accepted. Although he was confused, he felt happy.
Jeno fiddled with Jaemin's hands in his and took a deep breath. In and out.

"You know, I was really scared about this. About us and what we would become. I have to admit that I wasn't sure I could handle it but then my mind trailed to you. Your sparkly eyes, Your fluffy hair, your kisses, your cuddles, Your words. I realized that I'm nothing without you and that was all the answers that I needed." Jaemin smiled, still not expecting what was to come next.
Jeno reached into his pocket and pulled out the rings. Startling everyone watching.
He took the thin ring with the heart on it and held it up.
"I'm not proposing, I'm promising. I'm promising to always love you and only be loyal to you. Na Jaemin, Will you officially be my boyfriend?" Jaemin stared at Jeno wide eyed before jumping into his arms.
"Yes, I will." He spoke joyfully.
Jeno put the ring on Jaemin's finger and smiled as Jaemin took the bigger ring and placed it gently on Jeno's finger.
Everyone cheered and whistled at the two of them but in that moment Jaemin felt as if it was only the two of them. He grabbed fists full of Jeno's shirt and let their lips collide.

They kissed each other with so much love, under the moonlit sky. Not minding their surroundings or environment, only focusing on each other. Their lips moved softly, gently with so much care for one another. Every feeling, every touch, every taste making them slowly fall deeper and deeper in love. Until they pulled apart, forheads touching, breaths mingling in a warm embrace.

Suddenly, Jeno lifted Jaemin off the ground. One arm around his shoulders and the other secured under his legs.

"You're all mine now."
Jaemin chuckled quietly at Jeno, gazing straight into his eyes. Whilst Jeno carried Jaemin happily to his room.

They were in love
They were finally together
And this was their happily ever after

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