2 | Frustrations

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"Babe, I'm sorry ok?" Daehyun put on a fake concerned voice - one I knew all too well.

He had tricked me so many times using that voice. It had made me think he actually cared about my well-being when that was far from the truth. He just wanted someone to control, and I had been an easy target. Now, I was becoming smarter and wouldn't put up with his shit, so he was getting more frustrated. And he would try anything to get me back under his thumb.

He inched closer to me, and I stood my ground. My hand still clasped the door's edge, and I waited patiently for him to get the message that I wanted him to leave.

Forcibly grabbing my arm, hard enough that bruises were already starting to form, Dae tried to get me to move away from the door. However, I wouldn't budge, and he grew angrier with every failed attempt.

"Let go, Chan-Ri!" his shout echoed off the walls, and it might've startled me as it did in the past, but I had gotten used to it.

"I told you to leave!" I faced him head-on, and my determined eyes never left his.

An angry cry left his lips next, and he pushed me with all of his strength, and I hit the wall behind me. I landed on my ass, and I winced as pain erupted as soon as I had fallen.

So much for being strong. I rolled my eyes at my weak self, and yet I still refused to show a hurting expression to Dae. That would only spur him on.

Dae went to move towards me again when a voice yelled out from the entranceway:

"What's going on here?!"

Both of our heads turned towards the sound and saw a red-faced Chan standing with crossed arms in the doorway. A bewildered Byeongkwan was just behind him, and his eyes were fixed on me. My heartbeat quickened at the look of concern he was shooting my way.

BK rushed out from behind my brother and helped me to my feet. He dusted me off and inspected me for any wounds. A satisfied smile painted his lips, but it fell when he saw the blossoming bruises on my arm.

"Did he do this to you?" his voice was strained, and he gently held my arm in his hands. I simply nodded my head and saw BK take in a sharp breath. Calming himself down, he wrapped a protective arm about my waist and then turned towards Daehyun. "Don't you think it's about time you left? Ri obviously doesn't want you here."

"Dae, just go." Chan sighed and was clearly disappointed with his friend. "Ri has made it clear multiple times that she doesn't want you here. Next time, I'll have to call the cops. This is my final warning, Dae."

Dae looked between us three and then angrily pushed past Chan.

Chan shut the door and hurried over to my side.

"Did he do anything to you? Are you hurt anywhere? Why didn't you call me? Why did you let him in? That bastard."

"Chan... Chan... Calm down." I tried to stop my brother's rant and laid a hand on his arm.

Byeongkwan was still attached to my hip and didn't want to let me go. Even if our relationship was fake, having him by my side was comforting.

"He didn't do anything to me, and except for the bruises on my arm, I'm not injured anywhere," I reassured Chan. "And I didn't know it was him at the door, I didn't think he would visit at this time. Who in their right minds would knock on someone's door in the middle of the night? And he practically forced his way in. You know I would never let him in here. I don't want anything to do with him."

Chan seemed convinced by my words, but Byeongkwan still looked sceptical.

"As long as you're fine." Chan hugged me tight, and then pulled away to say, "anyway, Kwan and I are here because we were worried about you. It's a good thing we came back."

"Don't let him in again!" BK joined in the scoldings.

"Fine. Fine." I raised my hands, and moved out of Byeongkwan's arms, then made my way towards the stairs. "I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. I have classes early tomorrow."

"Ok, goodnight Ri."

Chan knew when I needed time alone, so he could only bid me goodnight. Byeongkwan went to come forward, and see if I was actually ok, but was held back by my brother.

He shook his head and said, "just leave her alone for now."

Seeing the worry on Byeongkwan's face made my chest tighten, and I stepped towards him. I placed a chaste kiss on his cheek and beamed up at him.

"Thank you, Kwannie."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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