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"Come back here" Shawn said the second she pulled away. His eyes were overwhelming with lust.
He kissed her with such a passion, it was hard to believe he only met her two days ago. Camila couldn't resist kissing him back with just as much lust and passion.
Both their bodies where electrified and they were lost in each other's touch.
Shawn was losing control.
He wanted all of her right then and there.
But after a few seconds, he stopped himself.
He put Camila back on the floor and left the room, his hand on his hair.

Dios mio what just happened?

Camila straighted herself up. She couldn't remove the smile off her face. That was her first kiss, but she couldn't tell Shawn that.
She touched her lips, feeling where Shawn was just kissing her a moment ago.
She fixed her hair and went out of the hotel room onto the sidewalk outside. She did her best to hide her smile.
She walked outside to see Shawn leaning on a pole, smoking a cigarette.
She stood next to him, both of them staring at the road infront of them.
Camila broke the silence,
"Why here?" She asked curiously, looking at the side of his face.
"It's the last place people would expect me to be at. They expect me to be at a fancy hotel. But that's just where I sleep and where I keep my suitcases. This is where I come to think"
"Why me?" Camila couldn't stop herself from asking. She grabbed Shawn's cigarette from his hand and took a puff, blowing a big white cloud infront of her.
Wow smoking is cool.
"You're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen" Shawn finally answered, turning towards her, grabbing the cigarette from her hand and putting it out under his shoe.
Camila blushed.
"Hey! I wanted to smoke that" Camila said, frowning, changing the subject.
"Was it wrong what we did back there?" Shawn asked, turning his head back towards the road.
"Well, ill never have what we have with my boyfriend"
Shawn turned to her and gave her a small smile.
"Oh yea?" he chuckled "Well let's get you home, cheater"
"Shut up" Camila said, pushing him playfully.
Shawn smiled so hard.
Camila walked infront of him to the motorcycle and hopped on.
"I wanna drive this!!"
"In your dreams, Loca"
Shawn hopped on infront of her and the two of them sped out into the night.
Shawn dropped Camila off at her house, memorizing where it was. The two of them exchanged numbers and, with a wink from Shawn, said goodbye and left.

Camila couldn't sleep that night. She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened.
Should I tell him the truth? No, I can't be with him. It's all in my head. It's not real. He's playing me. I don't trust him.

Do I?

I'm just a stupid waitress he's taking advantage of. Why would he want me? He's a celebrity.
I should just forget about it. Sleep Karla! Estupida!
And with that, she made a decision that Shawn was just her friend. Nothing more. It was what was best for her...

The next day, Camila walked into the restaurant and hugged her best friend the moment she saw her. She felt guilty about shouting at her, especially after that amazing night with Shawn.
"Lo siento, puta. I should have thanked you instead of shouting at you. Shawn is a wonderful friend"
Carla's jaw dropped.
"Friend?! Dios mio!"
Camila giggled to herself.
"Vamos chica, we have a job to do"
Camila started wiping the table, her hand on her cheek. She was thinking about Shawn. She couldn't help it. He was her first kiss after all.
Speak of the devil-
She saw Shawn walking into the restaurant. Her eyes widened.
Dios mio
"Hola, Señorita" Shawn said, approaching the table. He was wearing his leather jacket like always.
"Miss me?"

Ahh what does Shawn want though!??
This chapter was longer than usual :)
hope you liked it!
adios putas <3

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