After the whole fiasco in the tomb, Bill and Phoebe decided to report it before exploring the cave any further. With Voldemort seemingly on the rise no one anywhere could be to cautious.
Walking back to their house phoebe realized that they need to do other things besides have sex and listen to rock while Bill's family was here. Saying this to bill he responded with " well we definitely can't have sex cause you're the loudest person I've ever been with, but i think we can come up with a few things to do while they're here."
When they arrived home Molly came up, gave them each a hug and directed the to the table where dinner was taking place. "You really need to organize your kitchen better i couldn't find anything."
"Mom opal has everything the exact way she wants it and there isn't anything we can do to change that." Bill said knowing full well that every time he has tried to have her organize the kitchen in a more conventional way she always rejected saying that its her way or the high way.
" why don't we put some music on?" Phoebe suggested.
"Oh! Like celestia warbeck?" Molly exlcaimed
"Who? No i mean like Led Zeppelin's best album" Phoebe returned, proceeding to walk over the the record stand and pull out the beautifully illustrated album cover. Placing it on the turntable then putting the needle on and "good times bad times" began to play softly in the back ground. The twins seem to love it saying that their new favorite band was now Led Zeppelin.
Molly sat in the background saying how this type of music was just noise and it was no where near her music in quality. ———————————————————————————
Pretty soon it was time for bed and everyone turned into their respective rooms and went to sleep. Excluding bill and phoebe who both stayed up exploring each other's bodies while phoebe kept a hand over her mouth at all times as to not wake anyone up with her, as bill says "screaming".
Afterwards bill casted an imperturbable charm on the door and proceeded to roll a joint and light it using the rolling paper and weed from the colorful box they kept on their dresser.
"You know your brothers Fred and George are pretty cool. They're such dumbasses though they could be on jackass!" Phoebe giggled as she lit the incense and placed it in its holder.
Bill took a long drag from the joint and passed it to Phoebe. He looked confused and he tiredly slurred, " what the fuck is Jackass?"
"It's this American TV show, muggle, where these dip-shit men go around doing stupid stunts and getting themselves hurt." She explained wildly using her hands. "It's a fucking riot!"
"Yeah Fred and George would be great at that." Bill said proceeding to laugh uncontrollably holding onto phoebe. The fell into the bed smoking that last part of the joint in silence, facing each bill looked into her eyes and said "marry me."
"What?" Phoebe said confused as to why he said such serious words when they've been dating less than a year.
"My father always said when you know doing something is right don't wait to do it, just take the leap." Bill rolled over on top of her so she had nowhere else to look " I love you and life is short especially with Voldemort on the ride. I don't want to waste a single minute with you. I want to tie myself to you in every way possible magically and spiritually," Bill knew that while phoebe didn't exactly believe in one god she did believe in some sort of higher being.
" Ok," Phoebe grabbed us face with both her hands " of course I'll marry you!" She then realized "how are we gonna remember that you proposed tomorrow morning?!"
Bill rolled of the bed and jogged across the room placing the lighter back with their stash he went into a drawer and pulled out the most in unconventional ring phoebe had ever seen and she remember exactly when she told bill about that ring.
"When we get married I don't want to do "conventional" I want to do the weirdest most hippie wedding the wizard community has ever seen!" Phoebe exclaimed during one of their late night weed sessions " I want to wear a red dress and I want the ring to be a diamond but like not processed and the metal shouldn't be polished either. And I hate it when people spend to much money on me, so don't even think about spending money on me!" Phoebe ranted to a listening bill, who if you looked over to you would see him staring at her as if she was the prettiest thing he has ever seen"
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This is what the ring looks like
" I got this the day after you went on that silly rant about weddings and rings." Bill said as he slid the ring onto her finger. She gasped and looked at it in awe speechless about how he listen to her about something that even she thought at the time was silly.
" I love it, and I love you" phoebe said softly gazing into bills eyes. " and I'm still gonna have a red dress" she giggled extremely serious about her choice.
" I guess we'll have to tied my mother down for that." Bill sighed " let's get some sleep"