Chapter 1 (part 3 of 3)

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For you who had read Angelic Vampire, did you notice some changes here? Well, if you didn't realized it yet, HHNFLM is not under Vampire-Romance category like AV. What do you think of it? Tell me...

And this chapter is dedicated to Yari Arizmendi *wink*


Josh'a almost chuckled out loud when he remembered how naïve he had been in the past. In short time, not even a century later, Josh'a could already see how Seth will never be a peon. He was content to be alienated by his siblings, while he is referred by many because of his magical achievement.

Not one person in hell ever expected to see him master every element of elemental magic, because nobody has managed to in the past. Or even in the present. Seth is the only know individual ever master all elements.

Some centuries spent alone later, he proved himself to have mastered the dark magic, too. The half angel bastard has managed to do what most of the dark creatures never did. He gained a widely known reputation in midst of the Six Races. Even the Devil himself invited Seth for a dinner after the rumour arrived on his ears.

By that time, Josh'a had gained some support in the council. Under his persuasion, most of the council members looked at Seth as an enemy. A Trojan horse planted in the hell, only at that time, Troy did not exist yet.

In each council meeting, more and more has demanded to exile the Seventh Vampire Prince from the hell. Josh'a would have gotten what he wanted, except for the adamant refusal by the Six Kings. The elf, faery, dwarf and the dragon kings' reason is simple; keep your friend close and you enemy closer, while the Devil like Seth and the vampire king plainly won't let his son go anywhere but in the dark territory.

Josh'a snorted. At that time, he should have get the signal and just plainly get rid of him in the classic way. At least, that was when he is a plain prince. A vampire prince who is in charge of babysitting their younger siblings. Some millenniums later, Josh'a didn't remember exactly when, his father has name Seth as his heir! Stripping Josh'a of everything he have in the process. His wife choose the next night to ran away with her soul mate, some of his children couldn't stand the shame and went to human world, some other left behind but they bring no joy to him.

After the half angel bastard ascent in status, Josh'a could have done nothing but to wait and lay low. He was no fool. He realized that his contempt toward the bastard is well known, killing him right away will bring the king's wrath on Josh'a. No, he knows better than that. He did it the subtle way. He resort to mass hypnosis and brainwashing to create his own of army.

Right at this moment, Seth is at the human world, doing whatever his father ordered him to do. However, Josh'a is not a naïve boy. He know that the half angel will return, sooner or later. And what a welcome he will receive.

Now, his preparation is almost done. He slowed his step as he arrived on the front gate of Hunter Academy. No, more likely, Josh'a Academy. None of his father's people has suspected what he had done in the Academy. His spell is too subtle for that, and he was careful to pick which young one he wanted at his side. All nobles, not likely turn into questionable material.

Josh'a laughed gleefully at his mind. Five years, no, two years and I will become the Crown Prince again. Give or take a century, and the throne will be mine, he thought, already arranging ways to get rid of his father.

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