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1,190,234 Likes heresyaramen: i warned you jisung.. here's his rEAL face! face of a snake i know
edit: what the hell jisung @squirrelboi why did your face get me one miLLION LIKES WHAT THE FUCK
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squirrelboi: god damn it felix y u do this heresyaramen: @squirrelboi bitch you got me cLOUT clout can i post you more often?? min.sun.g: who the- why the- he's hOT
leeminho has requested to follow you accept?
JISUNG POV "What the.." I say under my breath. I decide to just leave it until I go over to Felix's house so I can talk to him about this. I mean, this did happen because he LEAKED MY PHOTO but okaaaaay. "Mama! I'm going to stay over with Felix for the night!" I make my way to the kitchen to say farewell to my mother. "Alright sweetie, I'll see you soon." I give her a peck on the cheek and grab my shoes and jacket before heading out of the door.
I step out into the cool air. The breeze is chilly enough, so I raise my hoodie on my head. I put in my headphones, listening to some Zico while I stroll down the middle of the road. The street lights are already beaming, they go perfect with the starry evening colors. 'I should take a picture. Seungmin would like this..' I quickly snap a few pictures and continue to walk to Felix's house. 'I didn't text him, did I?' I re-pull out my phone and text Felix.
australian fuck
me: hey felix? i'm coming over. leave the door unlocked.
australian fuck: it's kind of late.. are you sure about walking that whole way by yourself?
me: you sound like my mom. besides, i'm already down the street from your house anyways. ☺️
australian fuck: i- you- you little shit WHY?
me: see you soon lix, and by the way.. i'm your hyung 😗
australian fuck: goddamn it jisung it's one day- whatever, the doors unlocked. wait how'd you get here so fast? [SEEN]
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I facepalm every time I see his house. I told him not to actually go through with getting it but, the guy gets what he wants. Rich kid privileges. And of course his parents didn't want him to get it because to them it's just..bland.
FELIX POV *DING DONG* "WHAT'S UP FUCKER!" I tiredly get up from my resting space, cursing under my breath. I walk into my living room to see Jisung probably scrolling through Instagram, as usual. "Jisung..JISUNG." He looks up. "Oh yeah, I actually came here for a reason." He chuckles and lightly taps his helix. I sit down next to Jisung on the couch and slightly bounce. "What's the tea?" I poke my head in front of his and try to get a glimpse of his phone. "Felix what the f- sTOP." He shoves me and I land ass-first. We both laugh hysterically. "Oohf, that was gold. Anyways, I need to know if you've ever heard of this person before? It said that he follows you." He shows me the follow request and DM's from "leeminho". 'Oh, OH.' I sigh as I put my head in my hands. "What?- What happened?" He scoots closer and shakes me. "Okay first off, stOp. That's Hyunjin's older brother." His mouth widens in realization. He nervously chuckles, "I should probably..okay." He looks embarrassed. "FELIXXXXX- AH" A shout erupts from my room. "Ah, that's Changbin. You should probably get going. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I quickly get up and shoot him with finger guns and a wink.
JISUNG POV I shake my head. "Horny fucks.." I make my way out of the stupid house, locking it after me. Might as well go somewhere else. I didn't come out just to go back home after an hour. I whip my phone out and begin listening to some soft ballads. 'I never rechecked his profile, did I?'
A/N: WOW END OF ANOTHER WACK CHAPTER. saying these swear words hurt me lol but hey anything for wattpad man. idk when the future chapters are going to come out, but look forward to them! ✨🛸