Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN VOCALOID (sadly :’(  ))
It all started when Tianyi first joined Vocaloid Academy also known as VA.

“Wow! I can’t believe that I’m joining here! I’ve always wanted to go here!” Tianyi said with happiness as she walked into the place where she’ll be staying for 3 years.

Whispers could be heard all around “is that the new girl?” “Yeah I think so” “well ain’t she a hottie!” Tianyi sighed at the comments ‘well I’m used to this, it’s just the same old words HE used to give me’ Lucy’s thoughts where interrupted by a load of screaming “AHHHH!” “OMG HES HERE!” “Zhiyu!” “Date me!” Tianyi was pushed out of the way by a certain purple haired girl “out of my way! Honey Bear!” “Get off me Qingxian” Tianyi got up and looked to where all the commotion was coming from. “Who’s that?” She saw a boy crowed around by what looks like to be fan girls. Tianyi just ignored them and went to the office to get her timetable, until something Or should I say someone stopped her “Is that you? Tianyi?”


Who is the mysterious person? Who was the person Tianyi was talking about? Comment of what you think. I hope you enjoyed it! Till next time! Author-kun Out!

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