Cruel World

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"Lola, I think we need to talk about your liaison with Francis in Paris."

"Kenna, I can't do this right now."

"Because you're tired. You've been tired a lot. You're pale, you're not eating, your new gown doesn't fit. You acted so strangely when you were at home with Francis. You're pregnant, aren't you? "

A pause.

"Fast work. Well done! There is no better way for a royal mistress to secure her place. Look at Diane. If I could have managed it, but the king is well versed in avoiding such issues."

"Don't congratulate me. I'm not Francis's mistress. It was one night. A... a moment of comfort. Do you have any idea how this will shame my family in Scotland? And what will it do to Mary?"

"I understand that you're worried. Mary won't take it well, not at first. But think of it... in time, she'll recover, and Francis will be a loving father. He'd want the child to grow up here, and he'd probably let you raise it."

"Let me? I'm the child's mother." 

"Yes, well, I'm sure that you would play some part. As long as you don't anger Mary and you keep Francis's interest. Regardless, Lola, your position at French court is assured for life." 

"For life? But as what? Kenna, I can't do this." 

"What are you saying?"

"There are people who help women who don't want babies. Everyone knows they exist. I... I just don't know any. Did you... have you ever..."

"Ended a pregnancy? No. The king is well stocked to avoid such issues." 

"Well stocked with...? Well, he covers... it... If you don't know, you shouldn't be having sex!"

A sob.

"All right. Uh... one of the servants... a girl who washes my things... she isn't married, but she seemed to be with child a few months ago. She disappeared for a few days, and when she came back, she was thinner, less troubled." 

"Who is she? Tell me, please."

"I cannot put you in danger, Lola. I cannot. Many women do not survive, it's obvious."

"If I do not go through with this, Kenna, I will be ruined! My family shamed, Mary may even kill me for what I've done! It's treason, my execution justified!"

"Execution? Mary wouldn't, you know that! You are her friend!"

"Do I? We all know how Court is changing her, especially French! I cannot risk her anger, not when the is due to inherit Europe's second power, when she has our country in her hands! Not when she could very well create Empire if she creates a child!"

"She wouldn't, Mary is not like that. She may help you, find you a husband, nobody need know Francis fathers your child."

"And if she does not? If I am not worthy of her kindness? If she refuses to help me, if I do not go through with this? Please, Kenna, tell me of this girl! Tell me who she is!"

"I won't put you in danger, danger that you put yourself in! I won't risk your life!"

"And what is the alternative? Tell Mary and Francis and beg mercy? He may even claim the child, making me essentially belonging to him! It's true that Mary is the same, but she belongs with him. I would belong to him! I will become nothing put the woman who bore his bastard! I cannot, I cannot live like that!"

Another pause.

"And what of Mary? If she reacts with justified anger for our one night? I don't know if Francis even told her that he and I lay together! He couldn't have! She looks to happy to be burdoned with a mistake!"

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