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//Chance goes inside the house, and talks to Tessa//

Chance- I was wondering if you saw Jake going into a room with Erika earlier?

//Tessa's Mind// Should I tell him? What if Alissa sent him to do this? Ok fine. I will tell him//

Tessa- Um... yeah, I did. But why?

Chance- Tristan said that Erica was cheating me with Jake earlier today and a couple days ago

Tessa- Oh I'm so sorry! Are you going to confront her?

Chance- Yeah, I'm gonna do it in front of the whole party, cause I think that's what she deserves

Tessa- Ok, whatever you say

//Chance walked in the party room where everyone was. He stood up on the table, and people started staring//


//Everyone in the room was staring//

Chance- Ericka, please come over

//Ericka starts walking over, and puts her hand in her pocket//

Chance- Erica, I have to tell you something, I know that you-

Erica- Wait Chance, I have to ask you something

//Jake looks at Erica, very mad//

Erica- Chance.....

//Erica gets down on one knee//

Erica- Will you marry me?

//Everyone gasped, awwed, and congratulated. Jake, looked so mad//

Chance- Um, um..................

Erica- Well.......................

Chance- Yes. I will

//Everone cheered, except Jake//

~To be continued~

Jake Paul and Tessa Brooks dating??!!Where stories live. Discover now