chapter 3 - Opening of the café - afternoon

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Four hours has passed, pots of tea done, coffee cups washed and filled with more coffee and cakes were all gliding out of the café and on the tables. Some customers were absolutely awsome and didn't mind that we were a few staff down so it would be a few moments longer than expected.  However others gave them grief and an explanation on how they should be more prepared and that some people do have things to do than waiting around for there coffee to be  done. Maybe if they wanted coffee go get a flask and do yourself. It's  the most obvious thing to do then stand around in a queue of people also waiting to get served for what they want, then also having to wait some more for there drink to be made.  But apart from the odd snarky customers the opening day has gone moderately well. By now Ava was getting  really tired and it was only half three. Right now she wanted to either go home or have a coffee to keep her awake and she was getting  herself stressed out and was losing her mind. She asked her mum which one would could she do. All her mum said was " give me five minutes and I'll get back to you on that one."  After a good 5-10 minutes Ava's mum came back and said " You can go home and get some rest. You have two days off. Get all the rest you need and by the time your back in you should be ok." Ava thanked her mum. She went and collected her stuff and said by to her dad. Even though she didn't want to go and disappoint them like that, but she knew if she didn't she would of slacked behind. And she definitely knew that if she did, her parents would not be happy or pleased she'd fell asleep whilst serving a customer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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