Chapter 2- opening of the café- morning

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This is were Ava's adventure begins. At her family home in Glencoe. It was a quite Monday morning so far. It was 6:30am when her alarm buzzed telling her it was time to get up and get sorted before the mayhem of getting her siblings up, dressed , sorted and out the house for half seven. For Ava it's a complete drag seen as they never want to do as their told. She's got to rush around doing there lunch seen as their mum didnt do it last night when she got back as it was supposed to be late. By this point she was running around like a headless chicken on a sugar rush. And it's not a pretty sight at all. She just wanted everything to go right for her for once even for one day or even an hour. But today is the day the café opens and Ava's got to be there before 9am.

She quickly finishes sorting out 4 lunches and putting them in there bags along with a bottled drink. And not forgetting their school books and homework before running up the stairs to go and wake them up from there slumber. The two girls were up first , then the three boys. All Ava had to do now was make sure they were dressed properly and they ate and brushed their teeth before sending them off to school for the day.

By the time 8am rolled around the youngsters were all sorted and ready to go. As much as she thought there were a pain she still loved them and forever will. Once they were all gone Ava got ready for the opening of the café opening. Ava was excited for the opening of the café, however she knows that it's going to tire her out drastically mentally and physically. Before now, a couple of months ago she had contemplated weather she should work for her parents or weather she should find another job. Eventually after some persuasion and thought, Ava had decided it's not a bad idea after all. It would give her experience with serving customers and what works really like.

After getting sorted , she picked up her phone and looked at the time. 8:24am. "Grr damn I'm running late, do I go and get a taxi there or wait for the bus ,in which will most probably be late. A taxi is probably be more useful but how do I know that's not going to be late. It's worth a try. You only live once. Unless your a cat. Let's get this taxi called for. " Once she had booked the taxi she picked up her essentials for the day and walked out of the house, locking the door behind her. Too her surprise her taxi was already parked and waiting for her at the bottom of the driveway. Silently she thanks the Lord that she's not going to be late and make a bad impression on anyone that starts today.  Luckily she made it with minutes to spare and people was just going in.  Her parents asked what happened so she explained.  Thankfully for her they were fine with her almost being late.

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