Little butterfly

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Your pov

I watch from under the bed as Claude pretends to tie his shoe.

I then see shoes start walking towards him I then see Alois. he started off with a soft voice but then it got louder and louder which just pissed me off him and his annoying voice!! he said " Claude are you hiding something from me?...."

After a couple moments of silence Alois said " I knew it! what are you hiding from me! TELL ME!"

He then slapped claude across his face claude dropped to the ground and then looked at you with a sad face.

that was where I snapped.

I got out from under the bed and punched Alois in the face and he went hurling into the wall behind him and blacked out I think.

I then ran over to claude and said " are you ok?"

He then grasped the nape of my neck and I was plunged into a vary passionate kiss it lasted for quite a while well that was until asshole had to grown in pain which meant he was waking up.

Claude then picked up Alois but before leaving he walked over to me and said " I'll be back for you my little butterfly."

I was just a little startled by the new nickname but in the end just left the matter alone.

Well I guess it's time for bed. I lay down and once again drift to sleep only to feel unfamiliar arms pick me up and start running.


Well this was fun hope you like it! oh and I was wondering if I should make a different fanfic well one other than black butler so if you guys have any ideas please tell me!

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