⁵⁾ come back

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come back to me, your voice I long to hear, you told me you loved me, why tell me lies !



FINN. FUCK finn. I don't need him. in fact, I'm much better off without him.

the thoughts seemed to circle through millie's head over and over like a toy train on a never-ending loop of tormenting tracks, as the girl walked through the streets of some unknown city, hands in her pockets and jaw clenched in thought. I'll just find my dad myself. how hard can it be?

yet, as she neared the bus station, the crippling tantrum that whirled beneath her bones seemed to take hold of her, phasing in and out of the girl in weak moments of neglect—moments in which she denied that she was now entirely on her own.

it had stung more than it should have, the fact that finn had mercilessly let her go off on her own. he was supposed to stop her, maybe tell her to wait up, chase after her or at least put up some kind of fight that would have allowed millie to stay with him. anything.

granted, the two were almost strangers, knowing each other for years but never uttering a word, and finally, after the entire incident that resulted in their escape, they had only shared few conversations that mostly consisted of millie's bold and sharp tongue and finn's soft and concise replies.
yet, at the same time, they weren't merely strangers—

they were strangers with shared trauma.

shared trauma. it's a funny thing. it's possibly the one thing that can change rivals, individuals standing alone in the world, magnetic opposites, into interwoven souls, sewed by the needle of fate and the thread of connection for the rest of one's life.
and for finn and millie, the trauma that had woven them together was one undeniably unassailable: taking another's life together.

the flashes of the man's glazed dead eyes, life dripping out of him as his gaze trailed a million miles away, a bloody sea spurring from his neck as both finn and her own prints were painted with sticky red blood carved itself further in her mind, growing clearer and clearer again with each heavy step that moved through millie's body.

"watch where you're going, miss."

the words shook her awake from the conjumbling thoughts that permeated her mind, as a swift "sorry" exited millie's mouth as she accidentally bumped into a passing figure in the bus station, who on second glance was wearing an amateur security guard uniform, a sharp downturned nose, and a mess of tight caramel curls.

the bus station was somewhat larger than she'd expected, as it contained a small convenience store area off to its right side, along with multiple seating areas all about the expanse, and quite evidently a ticket and questionnaire booth to its left. yet, despite its space, there were no more than ten occupants filling it, including the man at the ticket booth, the man at the convenience store counter, the security guard, and millie herself.

without much thought, the girl trotted off towards the right of the station and over to the convenience area, as the feeling of thirst and the dryness of her tongue unfurled before her. after all, thirst creates water just as loneliness creates belonging—it all had to be quenched at some point.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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