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"one day you'll be the the head of the cabin." She said with a sad smile on her face. Annabeth laughed "that won't be possible, you are there." She looked at Annebeth with the calm grey eyes and didn't say anything. Next morning the huge bomb was thrown on Annabeth, Reyona that was her name whom Annabeth had admired from the minute she saw her calm, composedand the best amongst all. That morning Reyona came to her at the break of dawn she softly spoke,"come out" Groggy with sleep Annabeth climbed out of her bed she and reyona went to their secret place a small cave hidden behind the dense foliage of the forest. Reyona had prepared a small party just for her and Annabeth. Annabeth was confused,"Why? Is there something today?" "Yes today you will become the head of cabin 6." said Reyona softly.

Now Annabeth was dumbstruck,Reyona continued "I have got a solo quest to complete honestly I don't know whether I'll come back or not." Annabeth stared as if its a dream, Reyona went on her knees facing Annabeth,"listen Anne I'm not saying I'll die but I might take a long break so till the time I'm not there, take care of our cabin," There were tears in her eyas it was the first time Annabeth had seen her sister crying.(Well Reyona wasn't biologically her sister but same mums)

Reyona quickly wiped of her tears stood up ,"Now cut out the sad part lets have fun." The rest of the morning went in eating, talking and playing in the woods. We were on time for the morning check. During breakfast Chiron announced Reyona's mysterious quest....

After that Annabeth never heard her voice again...

Sorry for the prologue being so long but it was required

Hope you love the story:)

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