Thirty One

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"Ugh." I muttered as I plopped myself onto the 5sos boy's couch after throwing up in the bathroom. All day today, I've felt a bit sick and it progressively got worse in the last few hours. I probably had something bad to eat. I was throwing up the food I had in the morning.

My head was killing me and I felt more nauseous than I ever did in my life, even after vomiting. My stomach hurt and my eyes were sensitive. I was sick. Really sick. How could some food even do this? Maybe one of my dads undercooked something.

My dads weren't home yet and I was at the 5sos' guys house to keep me company, as per my dad's orders. Luke, Ash, Michael and Calum left a couple hours ago to go get some food and I was getting sicker by the minute since then. They probably stopped off to do other errands after buying groceries.

I was laying in the couch when the door opened and it was them. I looked at them and sighed. My head was pounding. I was feeling terrible.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked me and started walking over after seeing me.

"Just feel a bit sick." I weakly said. I pulled a blanket up to my chin that was on the couch. I was shivering.

"I'm cold." I quietly joked.

"Ashton, go get her some blankets." Luke told him as he was walking inside the house with some grocery bags.

"Alright, give me a second." He looked over at us and went to put the bags down.

"How do you feel?" Michael asked me, concerned, and came over to sit down next to me.

"Nauseous." I said. I leaned my head on a pillow.

"You're burning up." Calum bent over in front of me and felt my forehead.

"Here's a pill." Luke gave me a glass of water and a pill.

"Thanks." I took the pill.

"Are you still cold?" Ashton asked me after putting some blankets on me a couple minutes ago.

"Y-Yes." I tried to cover myself up more with the blankets.

"You're so hot." Michael touched my hand.

"I'll call Niall." Ashton said and took out his phone.

"I feel dizzy." I breathed out

"We need to keep her cool, but how do we do it? We don't have any ice packs. Even then, they're not gonna help get down her body temperature." Calum asked the guys.

"Why don't we draw her a cold bath?" Ashton suggested

"Yeah, c'mon." Luke agreed.

Ashton lifted me up and carried me to the bathroom. Michael turned the bath spout on and the bath started to fill up with water. At this point, I felt I was in and out of consciousness. It seemed kind of fuzzy, but I was still in the moment.

"Don't put me in." I said, weakly. They were going to see my body.

"We have to do it for your own good." Luke said and took off my shoes and socks.

"I don't want to." I said again, "Stop." I whimpered, starting to tear up.

"We can't leave you in your clothes, Maggs. If we do, when we take you out, you won't be able to dress yourself. Please trust us." Ashton reassured me. I nodded my head and took a deep, breathe to ground myself. I felt so weak. I couldn't move my body to all of it's mobility.

"We don't want to hurt you. We are trying to help you get your fever down. None of us will look, okay? We will just help you undress and get out as needed, alright? We don't want you to feel bad or uncomfortable." He told me.

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