Chapter 1

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Dans POV

I stare at my feet as they walk along the pavement, kicking branches and pebbles as I go. Today was the day that I started going to Meledy High, a prestigious catholic school for the rich. Why I am on my way there was a mystery to me. The second my dad got a new job offer, promising better benefits and a much larger paycheck, we were shipped off to Meledy. Since my father would be making more money my mother decided it would be best to go to a "traditional" school like my cousins had. I, on the other hand thought this whole thing was a load of bullshit, I didn't even want to move away from my old school let alone go to a private school full of religious spoiled brats.So yes I was angry. Oh no You see I had a plan, Dan Howell does not go down without a fight. I was going to team up with my older brother; who was also reluctant to move, and try to over power our parents. Unfortunately that was not the case my mother just brushed us off and replied "If you want to stay here that's fine, but we're going so have fun staying in an empty house." and that was that.

So that leads me here. Walking to my cruel and unusual punishment. I yank on my uniform tie and continue down the sidewalk. Breathing in the icy morning air I take in the changing leaves around me. We moved in here a few weeks after the first term started, which would make it all the more harder for me figuring everyone will already have their friend groups picked out. I had a couple of good friends back home and some acquaintances, all making promises to keep in touch when I was gone. So far I haven't gotten a single phone call.

I approach the front of the school, taking in the large, older looking building. Students were hanging about the neatly trimmed lawn. Some were sitting on the massive concrete steps that stretched out through the entire front length of the building, others loitering around the lawn, talking amongst themselves. I make my way up the steps, with no one taking a second glance at me I enter through the doors.

The second I enter the building the sound of commotion engulfs me. Twice the amount of students outside were all chattering among themselves in the main hallway, lockers were slamming, Teachers were pushing through with stacks of papers in their hands. The school was just the same on the inside as it was outside; tall ceilings, with rooms full of dark mahogany furniture. The walls were painted dark shades of green and blue. Yet the school still maintained a clean, minimalist look, cold and empty really.

When I finally enter the office and close the door the commotion of the hallway dies down the only sound left being the furious typing of the receptionist. I clear my throat and approach the stout lady.

"Uh hi I'm new here my names Daniel Howell." The secretary looks up at me with tired eyes.

"New student hmm..lemme see here.." she goes back to typing on the computer the loud clicking and the sound of a copy machine echoing through the space. "Aha! Dan Howell year eleven?" I nod and she smiles "Okay Daniel lets find your schedule" she goes to turn around and then suddenly stops. "Oh by the way welcome to Meledy, Daniel."


Twenty minutes later and I'm sitting in a desk at my new homeroom studying my schedule and trying to make sense of everything. Besides the teacher sitting at his desk a few kids are scattered around the room but overall it was mostly empty.

Shortly after what I guessed was the warning bell chimed and soon enough students are filing in, taking their seats, some giving be quizzical looks as they pass. Thankfully no one sat by me. Not soon after another bell rings signifying the start of homeroom. The teacher closes the door and heads to the center of the room. Two girls in front of me were whispering something and glancing back at my table.

"Isn't that where his desk is?" one of the girls ask.

"Yeah I think so. Man, I feel bad for that kid."

The teacher clears his throat and everyone turns there attention to the front. " Ladies and gentleman we have-" suddenly the door slams open with a loud bang. The teacher stops and turns his attention to the door. A raven haired boy comes trudging into the room, he had a haircut similar to mine and black clothes to match his ebony hair. The dark bags under his piercing blue eyes matched the grim expression his face held.

The boy made his way through the classroom, the whole room silently staring at him. The teacher cleared his throat. "Mr. Lester, Would you like to explain why your late?"

The boy stops in his tracks, but doesn't turn to face him.

"No." he says simply and makes his way further into the classroom. The teacher looks like he wants to say more but decides not to, starting attendance. The boy was starting to come in my direction. Oh no. He's getting closer. Please do not tell me he sits next to me.The last thing I need is a scary guy who even the teacher is afraid of to sit next to me. He stops and looks at me before he slumps down in the chair next to mine.


I face the front of the classroom not daring to look in his direction. I listen absentmindedly as the teacher takes attendance."Phil Lester."

"Here" The person next to me calls out in a bored voice. So that was his name, Phil. I was expecting something more juvenile delinquent-y like Scar or something. Later the teacher introduces me to the class and asks me if I would be able to find my classes okay, I replied yes, of course I could navigate this ancient school. Minutes pass and soon the bell signaling first period rings.

I look down at by schedule. English room 133B, ok room 133B i got this, no problem, smooth sailing. Room 133B easy. I walk out of the classroom and navigate to what I think would be the right direction. I got this.


Okay room 133B must be in Narnia because it sure isn't in this god forsaken school.

I frantically look around for somebody to help but the hallway was nearly empty, I was about to take the walk of shame down to the office and ask for help when I hear voices at the end of the hallway.

I turn around and spot a group of intimidating looking guys coming up the hallway towards me. Oh lord please I'm in the house of god please don't make me run into these boys. Please give me a bit of luck and-. My thoughts were cut short when an obnoxious voice rings out.

"Oi! Pretty boy you're gonna be late to class" What looked like the leader of the pack of goons called out to me. The rest of the group laughs obnoxiously. Great I've already got a nickname I guess it could have been worse.

I walk past them hoping if I didn't make eye contact they would go away. Thinking I was home free and out of their earshot I murmured "How is that even an insult?"

"What was that?" Oh no, oh crap, oh no they're coming this way sweet Jesus. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" Suddenly I'm shoved into a wall cornered by a much of preps. 'Okay...okay calm down Dan' anxiety fills up inside of me and I voice that I didn't recognize as my own rings out.

"I said how is that even an insult I know I'm pretty!" I nearly shout in the guys face. The guy starts to chuckle, the others start to join in. Fear starts to well up in the pit of my stomach, I'm never going to be able to get out of the one.

"Boys I think we gotta newbie, whaddya say we teach him a little about who runs things around here?" The other guys laugh and the grip on my uniform becomes tighter. He comes closer to me, inches away from my face. "Your face isn't going to be pretty for long." he spits out. I push my back closer to the wall hoping to get as far away as I can from the group, I start to struggle to get away but with no avail. Suddenly something catches my eye. I look over the guys shoulder to see the dark haired boy from homeroom-Phil, looking at me with a bored expression, he was standing a few feet away from the group of guys, out of their line of sight. I stare back at him, eyes pleading for help, his eyes continue to bore into mine, but he makes no effort to move from his spot. We continue to stare at each other just like that.

Then I see a fist fly forward straight at my face.


Okay so I was looking over this chapter and it had a lot of typos so I fixed those and Im going to start updated regularly so theres that ((Oh and the story will get better i promise i know this chapter sucks)) Thats it thanks for checking this out !! Hope you enjoyed!!

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