Does he talk about me?

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So uh this is a chapter but later today I will post an a/n. It will be for two reasons and one is a request for rebound part two. Anyway enjoy!


A month

It has been exactly one month since Keith and Lance broke up.

It has been one month since Lance stopped hanging out with the group when Keith is there.

And it kinda made Keith wonder if Lance ever talked about him.


Keith: Hey, Pidge, I have a question for you

Pidge: And that is...?

Keith: Does...Lance ever you know like

Pidge: No I don't..? What about Lance?

Keith: Does he talk about me?

Pidge: Not like he used everytime he hears it he cowards into himself, eyes never leaving the ground and he will play with the closest thing.
Pidge: He'll have these eyes filled with..nothing
Pidge: He can range from the empty void that make him look so blank to the saddest, suicidal person in the world who is so close to breaking
Pidge: So ready for something to break within him and just shatter every where
Pidge: He'd fake a smile and force a change to the topic. And he would not say a thing until a couple days after. He would stare at his plate when eating and just shove it to the side when we eat together
Pidge: Simply because food reminded him too much of you
Pidge: So no he doesn't
Pidge: He can't talk to or about you because it hurts
Pidge: and he trys to hide it but we can tell how much he broke after you dumped him

Keith: I-
Keith: I am sorry

Pidge: I am not the one to be sorry to


I was in the car with my mom and sister while write most of this and my mom turned after to go to the next side of the road and when she turned back around she turned around AGAIN and stared at me for a bit because I was writing something and it caused my older sister to also turn around 😭😭

Let me write in fucking peace 😭😭🙌

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