Woah there human

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Mmk hi hello

Thank you for stoppin' by to view my bOoK

.. view.. a book.. um.. don't mind me-

Just wanted to say that if you steal my overrated and much used concept, then I will hunt you down and raid your fridge you hooligan.

I'm completely okay with inspiring you, but just like- don't practically rewrite this thing you moldy waffle

Thank you pedestrian


I've been wanting to write something like this for a while. Hopefully I don't screw it up, cuz the concepts good.. I think.. um.. I'm indecisive so I may change my mind and be like "oOp No I dOn'T wAnNa Do ThIs~" I'm so sorry I'm female I can't make up my mind it's normal

Also I'm Dory


I dunno

I'll try to post on this, and my other bOok as soon as I can

Thank you, thank you very much

Elvi- - I.. I mean, Renée oUt~!


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