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jimin stirred uncomfortably in his sleep. he reached over to his left side in hopes that namjoon would be there for him to cuddle into.

his small hands touched the soft, white sheets that were now crumpled up, a sign that someone was sleeping in there the night before.

that didn't seem right, where was namjoon?

usually namjoon would be right there, next to him snoring lightly and jimin would be the one to wake him up.


jimin called out quietly rubbing his eyes and stretching himself

he yawned sleepily, putting on his fluffy chimmy bedroom slippers and waddled downstairs in his onesie to find his missing boyfriend.

- -

a single sunflower sat in a tall glass vase that reflected the bright morning sunlight brilliantly. sunflowers were their favourite flowers.

yellow was jimin's favourite colour. the first time he met namjoon was in a sunflower field when we caught namjoon trying to pluck out sunflowers from the field to give to his mother but ended up tripping over the pebbles and falling into the bed of sunflowers, uprooting them unfortunately.

jimin giggled as he recalled how he met namjoon, that clumsy boyfriend of his.

as he walked downstairs, the smell of bacon and eggs wafted from the kitchen to the dining hall. jimin carefully pulled out one of the chairs that had a fluffy yellow-heart-shaped-pillow on.

namjoon was papa rich and loved spoiling his baby, everything in his house was made with the highest grade materials from the toilet paper to the kitchen sink, to the bed.

jimin dramatically clutched his heart,

"joon how could you, i thought you left without giving me my giving me my goodbye and morning kissies." he whined just as namjoon entered the dining room, dressed in a grey gucci suit.

namjoon chuckled lightly before pecking jimin on his cheek and lip.

"you know i would never leave without your morning k—", and namjoon tripped over the rug that was on the floor.

fortunately, jimin's fast reflexes allowed him to catch the plate of food before it fell to the ground

jimin smiled like a little child, innocently, and looked down at namjoon. he scrunched his nose and stuck his tongue out as namjoon asked for jimin to help him.

"hmm nah, that's for not giving me my kissies."

namjoon looked unamused at jimin before getting up on his own and brushing off his dirt.

"now my suit has all the rug dirt on it, jungkook!"

namjoon called for jungkook, his personal assistant. jungkook came rushing into the dining hall, "yes sir?"

"clean my suit please, it has all the germs on it now." namjoon replied. jungkook ran to get the cleaning equipment and began doing his job, cleaning the dirt off namjoon's suit and then running out once again

jimin watched the whole scene unfold, not giving a crap as he ate his breakfast happily, bacon, eggs, toast, whatever else could he ask for

"bye baby, get ready at six later. i'll get kook to pick you up we're going on a double date with yoongi and hoseok." jimin hummed in response as he saw namjoon leave.

he spent the rest of his day organising their million photos from their trip to new zeland into ten photo albums, smiling at every photo as he recalled his memories

he loved having namjoon as his boyfriend.

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