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"joonie?" jimin called softly as he stood outside namjoon's tent. "joonie?" jimin called once more. namjoon groaned and got up, "chim? what are you doing here? why are you awake?" namjoon asked concerned

jimin's eyes filled with droplets of tears, shining under the rays of the moon. "b-baby w-was scared-d and joonie d-didn't save m-me" jimin sniffed

namjoon was alarmed, he forgot jimin hadn't slept alone since he met namjoon, they always slept together. namjoon pulled jimin in a hug and walked jimin back to his tent, going inside with jimin. "aww calm down baby, i'm here now there's nothing to fear. i'll sleep with you, i'll protect you okay angel?"

jimin felt slight better and cuddled into namjoon's warm body, squishing teddy in between their bodies in the process. jimin felt a whole lot better after he cuddled into namjoon and slept peacefully for the rest of the night

with the exception of a few times where he had to get up because of namjoon's snoring

- -

"rise and shine chim, it's morning." jimin heard namjoon's velvet voice call him. jimin rubbed his eyes, a habit of his, and yawned, "i'm tired, being cute 25/8 365 days a year isn't an easy job." jimin pouted.

namjoon chuckled, "cute is an understatement." jimin looked up at namjoon, who was holding onto jimin's clothes for the day and bent downwards to keep eye level contact with jimin

"i'll help you change baby." namjoon slid the onesie off jimin and replaced it with warm clothes since it was cold in the mornings, and generally colder in the forests than the city. jimin booped namjoon's nose and pecked it lightly, giggling at how red namjoon was turning

"come on baby, breakfast time." namjoon pulled jimin up and they sat outside at the eating area where a table and two chairs were set up. "joonie? how about teddy? he doesn't have a place to sit." jimin asked, seeing there were only two chairs

"can he sit on your lap today baby?" namjoon asked jimin, "or maybe he could sit on the table." jimin nodded and placed teddy on the table while namjoon went to cook their breakfast

after about fifteen minutes, breakfast was ready. a white plate was filled with two chicken sausages, two eggs, two mini pancakes with butter and maple syrup and some potato salad which namjoon brought from home

jimin nodded in approval and started digging into the food immediately, munching slowly so he could savour every bit of food there was

namjoon looked at jimin ever so lovingly and slowly ye his food, he felt full seeing jimin eat. he didn't need anything else, not even his family.

all he needed was to be with jimin

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