Chapter 4

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I frowned as I watched Jaune get beating up. Cardin, as I learnt, was an average joe. Hated Faunus people and likes bullying the weak. No teamwork, he will never get far. Jaune on the other hand,  has little or even no experience in battle whatsoever. Nor has he unlocked his semblance.

I sighed and looked away, staring at the ceiling and daydreaming until I had a flash.

Something was going to be thrown at me if I dont move.

I moved seats to my right and heard a crash shortly after.

Glynda: Mister Seraph. If you dont mind paying attention in class, would you kindly make your way down to the floor for your battle?

I looked to Glynda, who is not bothering to hide how upset she was, then to the red spartan I have come to known as Pyrrha. I hummed and tilted my head, did I really wanna fight her.

Seraph: I don't wanna...

Glynda: Mister Seraph, it is not a question whether or not you will fight her. This is a sparring practice and the generator has chosen you two as partners in training.

Seraph: But I'm tired...

I saw her patience running thin as I stood up.

Seraph: Fine...

I jumped from my spot, gracefully pulling out my Tessens and opening its fan blades. I landed easily and readied myself, a stance so well known to me in my time of battle.

Glynda: Very well then. Begin on my mark.

I saw Pyrrha ready her shield and spear.

Glynda: Ready.

I let out a calm sigh. as Pyrrha got into her stance.

Glynda: Set.

I started pumping aura into my blades which glowed a bright green, surprising Pyrrha.

Glynda: Begin!

I easily got behind Pyrrha quickly, swinging my weapon to attack when my weapon moved on its own away from my target. I twisted my body and used the strange momentum of my weapon to kick my heel straight at her neck just as she turned to face me.

She was knocked back as I cracked my neck.

She got up and ready her weapons as I stopped pumping aura into my weapons. Looking at my aura guage of at least yellow. On par with Pyrrha at the moment.

She charged and I waited. Then I saw her move. She was going to fient right and hit my left while she thinks I'm open. I pretended to raise right and quickly switched left, blocking her strike before I kicked her back and charged with my own flurry of attacks. Each barely missing or hitting her shield. She was using her semblance. I know I am not one to miss so accurately.

On my last hit, I charged up my blades and managed a strike to her shield which blasted her back into the wall. This depleted her aura instantly as I sighed and kept my Tessens. I walked to her and held a hand out.

Seraph: No hard feelings?

Pyrrha shook her head slightly and looked to me before smiling slightly.

Pyrrha: No worries. It was a fun time battling against you. You are a opponent worthy to fight against.

She took my hand and I pulled her up to her feet. She gave me a friendly smile as Glynda gave me the win.

I sighed as lesson was over, causing the group which I had come to avoid, Team RWBY, to come over and congratulate me.

I nodded and spaced out, they were noisy for my liking but...

Weiss: He's not even listening.

Ruby: He is.... Is he?

I nodded and smiled under my mask, they reminded me off my old team.

Yang: He seems like he isn't but he is.

Blake: Let's go to our next class. I don't want to be late.

I like it here. I almost don't want it to end but... My visions will always come true. I have to be here for the fall of beacon...

But I'll make sure that these guys are ready for it.

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