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Hello and welcome to my Smallfoot archive or whatever I'm calling it. This is where I will just dump everything Smallfoot I have and hope the small (and probably dead) fandom will see some of it.

Anywho let's get into how I'm going to color-coordinate the chapters.

A black circle (⚫) is a one-shot that I either stopped writing or just dropped abruptly. These won't be finished so expect some kind of cliffhanger or for it to stop on a random word.

A white circle (⚪) is a one-shot that is completed or has stopped at a point that seems like an ending.

A red circle (🔴) is a draft that either hasn't been finished or has a sequel draft (one could be finished, the other could not, but the one-shot being written as a whole is not finished).

A blue circle (🔵) is a draft that could be single, sister-less draft or a draft that could be seen as a complete one-shot.

A star (⭐) is just a chapter where I ramble about an idea or an AU or anything under the sun.

And that is everything, so here lies the end of the chapter.

Smallfoot Oneshots, Drafts, Ideas +Where stories live. Discover now