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Driving back home, Rishi could not stop thinking about what Isha said. The duties at the hospital and the arrival of his first child, he felt strained. At least, the hospital gave him paternity leave for the next two months starting tomorrow. He needed a break. In addition, he needed to mend things in their relationship. Rishi was harsh on her for the last couple of weeks, which was unlike him. He decided to take her out on a date tomorrow. Walking towards his house he noticed the yellow Mickey Mouse slippers outside, he laughed and pressed for the doorbell. He breathed in and thought for things to make a smooth conversation.

'Hey there' said Isha in a beautiful plain green Anarkali.

'Wow, uh somebody visiting us?' asked Rishi.

'No, why don't you freshen up?' she said pushing him in the room.

Quickly setting the plates and the candles, she was determined to bring the magic of love. It was a long time since the Cupid visited them. Rishi came out looking shocked.

'What is happening?' he asked smiling.

'Sit down and relax. I got this. Wait!' she said and went to the kitchen.

'Happy birthday to you, Rishi' said Isha bringing a caramel apple cake.

'There is more. Mughlai Chicken and roti, you're favourite' said Isha cheerful.

'I am speechless. Thank you. I thought you forgot about it. Considering...' stopped Rishi.

'I love you and now blow the candles after making a wish' she said pointing to the cake.

Finishing dinner, Isha helped Rishi wash the plates. Both of them were humming to a Sinatra classic. All the while, she was talking about her day at the festival. He winked at her naughtily and Isha looked puzzled.

'Do you remember our first kiss?' he asked mischievously.

'Yes, the alumni meeting for the seniors. I was so scared, standing behind a tree' she laughed.

'I kissed you first. On that day, I realised you were my true love' he said softly.

'So cheesy' smiled Isha.

'Listen, I am scared about parenting. Look at us we are not perfect. It bothers me' said Rishi exhausted.

'I know right! So what do we do? We try our best!' said Isha.

Both of them finished washing the dishes and sat in the sofa. Rishi massaged Isha's foot.

'Stop worrying, Rishi. Let us face it. We will never be like our parents. It is close to impossible. Brooding over that type of perfection will never get us anywhere. We will make mistakes. However, we will always be a family together. I am pretty much sure about the fact that you will be a great father!' explained Isha smiling.

'Did I marry the smartest woman on the planet?' asked Rishi.

'On that note, can you meet me at Bhaiya' house at lunch tomorrow?' she said.

'What is that?' he asked pointing at a black hairband.

'Minnie's ears' she explained.

He stopped massaging her foot and grabbed the hairband on the tea table. Wearing it, he started to dance singing the Disney song. Isha laughed aloud.

'Yes I will come!' he said mimicking Minnie's voice.

Watching him move, Isha went back to her college days, the days she realized love.

Five years ago


'Nisha, what about the lights?' asked Isha thinking about her show.

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