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THREE weeks later

Thursday evening

'Rishi, sweetie... wake up. It is time' whispered Isha excited.

'Uh... What? Are you sure about this? We are one week late!' said Rishi reading the newspaper.

'Seriously, it is real. OWWW OWW...' said Isha closing her eyes.

'Oh, okay. Wait' said Rishi grabbing the bag and car keys from the table.

'Did you call the rest of the family?' asked Isha.

'Yeah, I will. Breathe okay?' said Rishi reassuringly.

Placentia - Linda hospital is the closest hospital from their residence. Rishi worked in the hospital as an orthopaedic. Therefore, the hospital staff were kind enough to give them a private room, adjacent to the labour ward. However, Isha did not care. She felt as if somebody was stabbing her with a hot knife. Who knew labour pain was madness? Meanwhile, Rishi called their parents. Both of their parents were in Atlanta. It took five hours by flight to reach here in Anaheim.

'Frank, what is the update?' asked Rishi.

Dr. Frank Thomas was the gynaecologist in Anaheim. Rishi and Frank were best of friends.

'We need four more centimetres of dilation of the cervix to achieve natural birth. That means we need to wait a bit longer, Rey' said Frank.

'Okay, thanks' said Rishi casually.

When he told this to Isha, she was upset. Waiting another couple of hours with this pain, she started moaning and complaining. Rishi felt happy, as their parents would arrive at the right time. He went outside to call her friends.

'Hey Bhaiya, Isha is at the hospital. It might take an hour or so, I guess' said Rishi deep in thought.

'Aarav is at my house. We will come soon. Is she okay?' asked David.

'The Kraken has been unleashed! I need help. Come soon?' said Rishi.

Laughing 'Yeah, we are coming' said David.

Going to back the room, he saw Isha looking at her large belly with a frown. For some reason, he just stared at her, absorbing her look.

'Isha, I love you' said Rishi childishly.

'Yeah, I do too sweetie' said Isha and smiled.

At that moment, their eyes met. Isha and Rishi felt the same magic of that night in the football court.

Five Years ago

At 6 pm, Isha's event did not start. It actually finished earlier. When her band mates were happy that it got over, she felt bad that Rishi could not see her performance. She felt sick and went back to the hostel. Walking back, she heard footsteps behind her.

'Isha!' shouted Rishi.

Pacing towards her, he said 'My event has been preponed today. Would you watch my performance? It starts after the drama. By the way, I loved your singing and I love you too'

'What?' gasped Isha

'OOPS! I am so tensed' laughed Rishi.

'Okay' shrugged Isha.

She walked with him till he went backstage to his band. She went and sat in one of the chairs next to Vikram. In the stage, a spin-off of 'The Merchant of Venice' was played by the juniors. She did not listen to a single word, as she kept playing the scene which happened right before. She was lost in these thoughts. Suddenly, the audience clapped and the dramatists left the stage.

Nisha was the anchor for the shows tonight.

Clad in a velvet gown, she gracefully announced 'Thank you, juniors. Next we have 'Mix tape' lead by Rishi and Rizwan. So sit back as the rhythm takes over.

Rizwan, Rishi and his band mates took their positions. Everybody tested the audibility of their instruments. Rizwan gave a thumbs up signal to Rishi. The whole crowd watched intently.

'Thank you, Nisha. Welcome to a great evening! We have a bunch of songs to play for our amazing audience. Firstly, I would like to dedicate this song to a girl I met today'

Isha was surprised and smiled to herself embarrassed. Rishi started to sing 'Half of my heart' by John Mayer. The whole crowd was enjoying it. Guess, they are cool, Isha thought to herself. Few more songs later, they left the stage with the crowd clapping madly. Isha decided to meet them in backstage. When she went there, there was a sea of people wishing them. She thought he will talk to them tomorrow and slipped away quietly. Walking back, she kept on smiling like a stupid person. Of course, the song made her smile, but more importantly, the way he sang was beautiful. She thought it was the best rendition ever.

'ISHA!' shouted Rishi.

Isha stopped walking and turned around. Rishi was running swiftly towards her. He stopped and panted. They were in the middle of the football court few metres away from her hostel. It was a cold night and Isha was clutching her arms tightly.

'Congrats! You guys were amazing tonight. I liked the dedication. Thank you' said Isha beaming.

'I am...glad' replied Rishi breathing heavily.

'Are you going back?' asked Rishi.

She nodded and continued walking slowly. Rishi came along with her.

'Did you have dinner?' he asked.

'No' shrugged Isha.

'I know a really nice place which sells bread and hot omelette. I am taking you there' said Rishi casually.

They went to the Rickshaw Uncle's midnight stall outside their college. As they were walking, both of them did not speak much. Rishi was nervous and Isha was tired. She plopped down the bench as Rishi ordered the food. A cold wind blew gently, making Isha cringe and she quickly put the shawl on top of her head. Rishi sat next to her and laughed.

'What?' quipped Isha.

'I just thought of a joke! What do you call an overturned omelette?' asked Rishi seriously.

After a pause, he said 'O-M LIT!'

Isha gave a blank expression and smacked her head. She laughed when he made a face after that. They ate their dinner and walked back to her hostel. They talked a lot on the way back. In the middle of the football court, she waved and went back to her hostel. Rishi stood there watching her go. It was a make or break moment.

'Isha, listen' said Rishi loudly.

'NOW WHAT?' asked Isha exasperated.

'I love you' said Rishi smiling at her.

'Why are you tensed all the time?' said Isha laughing.

'No. I am kind of serious about it, now' replied Rishi gravely.

'Whoa. Okay. Uh, I don't know' said Isha blankly.

'Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, I can't hide it anymore. I liked you from the first day, you performed in college. I always wanted to talk to you. When I did, you completed my thoughts. I am asking you out. Please, say yes' begged Rishi.

'I cannot say I love you. I am sorry. But I will go out with you. You seem like a nice chap' said Isha and laughed.

'Now, you may go, highness' teased Rishi.

'Thank you, sir' said Isha and bowed mockingly.


'Wow, time flies' said Isha in thought.

Now they were married and were waiting in the hospital for a delivery. They were building a family. Things might change, few years down the line. It could get difficult or worse. Despite all the differences, both of them loved each other. In sickness and in health, they would cherish and love one another, just like the vows they said at the dare in game night at college.

Guess, love exists in this world in a million little ways. 

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