Chapter 7

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I put my signature on the dotted line, but I signed a lot more than my name away to this company. Elizabeth sat down on the bed next to me and took the paper out of my hands, "Ok Meredith, this is it. You're being discharged as soon as my email reaches the office downstairs. So I'd go pack up the things you have and wait for your ride." Destiny re-attached my mobile IV in the crook of my elbow and fastened it with medical tape. I absentmindedly played with the end of my hospital gown until I finally gathered myself and stood up (with some help from Elizabeth) "Thank You, even if you did shoot me up with some random drug, thanks." I said, trying to sound less sarcastic than usual. "Anytime my dear, I'll be at your house Saturday to escort you to our headquarters, 11 a.m. sharp." She stood up and i realized just how tall and limber she was, her auburn hair was trimmed right at her collarbones and it complimented her face, which might I add was very matte and bronzed. Looking at her only made me remember how much I missed doing my makeup every morning, it was a small thing but it mattered to me in the slightest of ways. I came back into reality when I saw the nurse holding the door open for me, "Thank you again! Uh- see you on Saturday." and with those words I stepped into the hallway and strode towards the elevator. "Oh Mere, Remeber to pack for warm weather!" I heard elizabeth call out after me. Where the hell is this lady taking me? I thought to myself as I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 8th floor.


Packing up everything from the hospital was easy, I only had a few shirts and pairs of sweatpants, plus the shampoo and conditioner in the shower. Everything else was transported to and from my house by my mother or Phoenix. My dad was extremely busy running his new record shop, but he sent me flowers twice a week and visited on wednesdays and sundays, and I was really grateful for having him with me through all of this. I was sitting on my bed as my nurse wrapped my IV wounds with gauze and a single cotton ball and left without a word, my mom rushed in and grabbed my duffle bag out of that battered armchair and almost flew out the door before I reminded her that I kind of was a walking skeleton and needed to take it a little bit slower than her average speed. She softly gripped my upper arm and my waist and helped me along until i got my feet unerneath me again. The car ride home was filled with a Fleetwood Mac soundtrack that my mother listened to when she was very happy, and just knowing that my return home was enough to make her smile was the leading factor in my unusually good mood. She was oddly silent as we pulled into our U-shaped driveway and hauled my one bag into the house. We went in through the front door and she handed my bag off to me so I attempt to take it upstairs to my bedroom, halfway up the steps i nearly collapsed. When I'd finally regained my balance and made it to my bedroom door i turned the knob and when i opened the door, for the second time in two days, I promptly fainted.


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