Chapter 8

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I woke to the sound of my Kodaline record and a cold compress slapped on my forehead. I sat up and immediateley regretted my decision because the flood of pain the overcame my body was almost unbearable. "Well it's about time you joined the party my love." said a familiar voice that I had heard so many times lulling me to sleep on late nights. Luke gently sat down on the bed beside me and wrapped his arms around me so delicately as if I was his mother's prized vase that sat on the mantle above his fireplace. I turned so that we were face to face and he kissed my nose like he did when we first met, I blushed so hard he asked if I was running a fever and quickly jumped to grab the thermometer. The second he realized that it was just my overwhelming emotion causing the rush of color to my cheeks he smirked and laughed as he slowly walked back and sat down on my bed again, he brushed my dark hair away from my face and grabbed my hand. "I'm gonna miss you while you're gone, you know that right." He layed down again and stared at the ceiing. "So you found out I'm leaving," I said with a sigh "I will miss you twice as much as you will miss me, you know that Luke" I shifted so that my head rested on his chest, rising and falling with every individual breath. It was times like these that I knew I was in love with him, and it killed me inside to know that I was leaving him for six months. "when do you leave?" he asked softly. "Saturday." I murmured back, his warmth was putting me to sleep just as his voice had many nights before. Nothing was said between us as we both drifted into sleep for several hours until the sound of my record skipping jolted us awake. Luke yawned and stretched his arms, swinging his legs over the side of my bed. He stood up and walked towards the door. "Wait," I said barely audible. "I'll be back tomorrow sweet girl for now you need to rest, you have a long time ahead of you." He pulled open my door and closed it without making a sound. I rolled over as the first tears began to run down my cheeks.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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