Chapter 17

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* Harry's POV *

"Harrrrry," god, not this early please, "harrrrrrrrrryyy," just ignore it and it'll go away.

Suddenly I feel two hands slide under my back and before I know it I'm on the floor.

"HARRY WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Louis screams in my ear.

"Fuck... fuck I am, I'm awake!" I say getting up off the floor and flipping back on the bed.

"Seriously mate, get up." he says in his serious voice, what could be the occasion that makes it so important that he has to use his serious voice?

"It's way too early." I cover my face with a pillow.

"It's one in the afternoon." I just ignore him, I don't care if it is one in the afternoon, I'll sleep as long as I want.

"I know you were out with Jordan last night." he said randomly.

Deny it, she doesn't mean anything.

"No I wasn't for your information." I say hiding my face from him, he can read my face too well.

"Oh really? where we're you then?" he says challenging me, oh really louis?

"I went to a bar." I say still covering my face with a pillow.

"That's bullshit Harry. You're a terrible liar you know that?" he says and I can't tell from his voice that he's smirking.

"It's not bullshit."

It was quiet for a few moments and I could've swore he left, I had almost fell asleep when he decides to open his big mouth again.

"Well get up and get dressed we're leaving in an hour." he says like an adult telling their kid to get ready for school.

"Uhm, where are we going?" I ask curiously peaking from under the pillow.

"Amanda wants to spend time with Jordan and she wants me to go and I don't want a third wheel so you're gonna go too." he says, not asks, says.

"Why not take Niall, he's like obsessed with her."

"Oh harry," he rips the pillow away from me, "we both know you'd hate that." he says and I can feel the sizzle off that burn. Damn.

I get up without another word and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.

An hour later I'm ready to leave and I'm waiting on Louis to get done.

"Does Jordan know I'm coming?" I ask through the bathroom door.

"I don't think so, we're driving separately so she'll find out when we get to the restruant.


This should be an awkward night.

Just wanted to say Thanks for reading my story you guys!

Except for alexa grace prince...

(I'm not hating you guys she's my best friend and I've known her for 11 years we do this to eachother.)

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