Crowley's Fall

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"So, how did you fall, Crowley?" Aziraphale asked as he sipped his champaign, enjoying the good time he had with the demon.

Crowley rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed by the question. "Since when are you up to hear my sad backstory, Angel?"

"Since I... I got into our side" Aziraphale said with difficulty, as he blushed darkly, a big shy smile spread across his face.

Crowley looked at him and shrugged. "They said I had a bad taste in music"

"You are lying"

"I was hanging out with the wrong people," he smirked.

"That's not true" Aziraphale said confused with Crowley avoiding his question.

"This Halo... Was too much for me..."


"I hooked up Gabriel's assistant"


"I slipped and fell?" he said with a tired look as he finished his own drink and drank Aziraphale's too.

"What are you talking about?"

"Alright... White didn't suit me... Made me look fat" he said with a giggle only to get a disappointed face from the angel. "Okay, what has gotten into you? Why do you wanna know?" he mumbled angrily as he got up, feeling a little unstable from drinking.

"Look, I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel un-"

"Oh, you did!" he grumbled. "See you in two thousand years, Angel..." he said as he left some money on their table and started walking out. They were dining in a really fancy restaurant, many miles away from town. Aziraphale had said he wanted to talk, but he didn't expect to talk about that... His fall... Why would he want to know?

As he was ready to get into his car, he heard him.

"Crowley, I am sorry!" Aziraphale said with a sad look. Made the demon's buried heart almost break. "Look, I won't ask you again... Alright? Please..."

"Alright, alright... Stop whining..." he sighed as he looked at the angel, staring around with the same lost look, like a lost puppy. "What do you want now?" he snapped

"Who is going to drive me home?" Aziraphale said with another blush, bowing his head.

"Oh, come on."

They were silent during most of the ride. Crowley obviously didn't want to talk and he was driving... Really slow. And without any music playing. Aziraphale had started wondering how much he had hurt the demon by daring to ask such a thing.

As the car stopped outside the bookshop, the angel looked at him anxiously. "Can I pay you off by drinking some more alcohol? Please?" he softly said and Crowley rolled his eyes before following him inside.

They were drinking for some time, both laughing over meaningless stuff they were talking about. It must have been late at night. After some time, Crowley took a deep breath, and looked at Aziraphale. "I was a dick before."

"Oh no, Crowley, that was my fault, " Aziraphale said with a big smile spread across his face still.

"I know... But still... We know each other for six thousand years... You didn't make a crazy question... But the fall was a traumatic experience" he hummed as he leant to the back. He could tell Aziraphale. He trusted the bastard. There wasn't a reason to hide it anymore.

"My name was Cerubiel* back then... I was the gardener of Eden..." he sighed as he closed his eyes.

"Wait, I remember someone called Cerubiel... I thought I never saw him again..." Aziraphale said, opening his eyes widely, in shock.

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