chapter one

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Phil's POV

The house is too big. I feel lonely. The winding passages and hideous tapestries make it seem like I'm in a classic novel. I suppose I kind of am. My farther is a lawyer, one of the best in London, and he decided to move us to this old manor house, the Penneshurst  estate. And although we live quite modernly, I have a phone, an iPad, 5 TVs , a MacBook, 3 other laptops and a pc, my farther thinks we should keep some 'good old British traditions' . So we have servents and we go to our private chapel, we say grace ,have a daily prayer and my most despised the family singing hour. I love singing, it's like a release from the world, bit my farther forces me to sing patriotically and religiously to his awful piano playing as all five of us stand in his study on a Saturday night. I shouldn't be alone really with all of us in the house. My father is a broad, large man that doesn't care about his family's emotions, he's often away on business trips to London or LA. He gives us children everything they want , just to shut us up. Our mother is dainty and quiet , she has no control over anything in the house and is frankly quite weak. Then there's grandmother she hates us children and mother but can't see a thing wrong with her darling son, she has all the power in the house and uses it against us all. Then there's Martyn , my older brother, and rose, my little sister. Martyn is 22 and I'm surprised he's still here. Rose is 10 she doesn't realize what's wrong with our life.

I'm walking along the main corridor in my wing, my footsteps echo around the almost empty house. I get to my room, the bright colours and posters on my feature wall make me smile as I lay on my green and blue bed. As I read my manga I hear a nervous knock on the door "yes" I shout expecting my mother or the housekeeper to walk in. But in stumbles the cutest boy in the world...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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