Chapter 1

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It's senior year now. Michael and I worked the whole summer on repairing our friendship. Ever since the drug accident happened, we were really tense around each other. But now, everything is working out great! Mom, I really miss you. But I know that you're doing well. I'll try to visit you sometime this year.
With Love, Jeremy.

He didn't use the term squip as his mom nor his dad knew about the squip. Jeremy smiled as he folded the letter and put it into an envelope. He licked the seal and closed it. "I really hope she writes back." He mumbled to himself. Jeremy stretched and got up from his desk. "First day back to school. I have to do this right." He looked into his closet and found a simple t-shirt with jeans. He grabbed his back pack and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. Jeremy saw the time and swore under his breath. He quickly popped a piece of bread into the toaster and poured a glass of orange juice. As soon as the toast was ready, he ran over to Michaels house, hoping he hadn't left yet. He knocked on the door, smiling when the boy with glasses answered. "Ready for school?" Jeremy grinned. Michael nodded and grabbed his bag. He locked his house and got into the car with Jeremy.

Once at school, the two boys walked to the front doors. Both were riddled with fear of yet again another school year filled with ridicule. Jeremy took a deep breath and opened the doors to the ever busy hallways. He looked around and spotted the people who he was now friends with. Jeremy made his way over to the group. A short  boy with a red streak in his hair slapped Jeremy's back. "Hey tall ass."
"Rich, don't be mean to Jeremy." The dark haired girl stepped into the spotlight.
The boy named Rich gasped, "I would never be rude to my bud, right Jeremy?" Jeremy shrugged and laughed a bit. Before he could say anything the bell rang, signalling the chaos to continue. Jeremy and Michael barely made it through the hallways alive.

Lunch came around and it was the boy's favourite time of the school day. Jeremy sat down at their usual table and started to eat the lunch he bought. Michael sat across from him, drinking the slushee he bought when he skipped last period. The two were immersed in a conversation about a couple of their favourite video games, until Rich and the group sat down at the table as well. "Hey nerds." Rich smiled. Michael fell silent and let Jeremy talk to his new friend group.

While talking to his friends, Jeremy felt off. He couldn't quite figure out why. That's when he started to crave something. He needed help again, and there was only one thing that could help him. He needed to go to Payless Shoes after school. "Uh, Hey Michael. Can we stop at the mall after school? I need new running shoes."
Michael nodded, "yeah sure." Now all Jeremy had to do was survive the rest of the school day. The bell for the end of lunch came and everyone made their way to their next classes. And soon the day was over. Jeremy waited for Michael by his PT Cruiser. He was very anxious, as he didn't want Michael to know he wanted to get another squip. He was so caught up in his own mind that he didn't realize Michael had gotten into his car. Jeremy took a deep breath and got in too. Michael drove to the mall and parked. The two inseparable  friends made their way into the mall.

"Hey, uh.. How about I meet you at the food court in an hour?" Jeremy fiddled with his fingers. Michael grew suspicious.
"I don't want to leave you alone here."
"I'll be quick, Michael. I just gotta get shoes from Payless."
"Payless? Oh no. No you don't. Not alone."
"Do you not trust me?"
"I don't want you to be swindled into buying another squip and ruining our lives again."
Jeremy was at a loss for words. He just stormed off from Michael. Once he was far enough away he looked back to make sure he didn't follow. Jere sighed in relief and walked into Payless. "Uh. I need something." He said to the shady cashier. The cashier nodded and grabbed the box of ladies running shoes.
"Take only one." He told Jeremy. The boy nodded and grabbed one. "That will be $600.48." Jeremy gasped.
"Thats more than last time!"
"Yes. And this is a more updated version. So do you want it or not. You're wasting my time."
Jeremy sighed and took out the money from his wallet. He then made his way over to the cafeteria. Jeremy purchased a Mountain Dew and then swallowed the mini super computer.
"Jeremy...?" Jeremy's heart skipped a beat and he turned around.

Why do I lie? (A Be More Chill fanfic.) Where stories live. Discover now