Chapter 2

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"Jeremy..?" Jeremy's heart skipped a beat and he turned around. "Did you do it?" The dark haired boy with glasses spoke.
Jeremy shook his head. He felt bad lying but Michael can't know. "I wouldn't throw away our friendship like that." Michael sighed in relief and went over to Jeremy.
"Let's go home." Michael spoke softly. Jeremy nodded and reached for Michaels hand. He realized what he was doing and he immediately put his hand in his pocket. He walked with Michael to his car. Jeremy got in and fidgeted a bit. He was hoping that the squip wouldn't turn on until he got home. He didn't want to create a scene in front of Michael. Jeremy took a deep breath and once they got to his house he got out quickly. "Thank you, Michael." He then went into his house and shut the door.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. He held his head in his hands.
Calibration in progress.

The voice echoed inside Jeremy's head. The squip went through the same start up sequence as last time. Jeremy wasn't in as much pain but it still hurt.

Jeremy Heere, welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. Your SQUIP.

Can't you make that a little less painful? Do you enjoy seeing me in pain?

I can not feel emotions like joy. I get nothing from your pain.

Jeremy sighed and went to his room. He laid down on the bed.

From analyzing the data from the past week, I can see why you decided to get me again.

I just.... need some help. With Michael. I don't feel like I can get through senior year without help..

Jeremy looked over at his phone, seeing texts from Michael.

Well. I can help you. Especially with Michael. Are you looking for something sexual? Or romantic?

Jeremy didn't answer the squip, he instead read the messages from Michael.
Player 1: Hey, are you alright? You didn't seem in it at the mall or on the car ride. Did I do something wrong?
Jeremy: No, it wasn't you, Michael. I was just tired and had a lot on my mind. Let's hang out tomorrow?

The squip nodded in satisfaction at the texts. Jeremy turned off his phone and buried his face into his pillow. He groaned.

Get up. You need to go to Michaels now.

Wait. Now?? But I told him tomorrow..

If you do not go now, there's a 95% chance of something less desirable happening.

Jeremy sighed and got up. He changed his clothes and put on his shoes. He left a note for his dad telling him where he went. Jeremy then proceeded to make his way to Michaels house. He sent Michael a quick text, letting him know that he was going to come over. Jeremy let himself into the house. "Michael? I'm here." 

"Jeremy! I thought you wanted to hang out tomorrow?"

"Yeah... I changed my mind, sorry." Jeremy smiled a bit.

"Well. Do you want to play Apocalypse of the Damned?" Michael walked to his bedroom with Jeremy following.

"Yeah." They sat down on the identical beanbags that Jeremy has at his house. Michael put the game into the console and they grabbed their controllers. The squip shocked Jeremy.

"Ow!" Michael looked over, concerned. "Nothing, I'm fine." He said reassuringly.

Don't do that!

Do something besides going on a video game. You two need to talk.

We'll talk while we play. Now shut up.

Jeremy and Michael started the game. Neither said a word while they played. Jeremy felt a tingle down his spine and he sighed.

"So... uh.." The squip saw Jeremy struggling and just took over his whole body. "Did you want to go to the arcade with me later? Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow?"

Michael raised an eyebrow at the sudden suggestion but smiled and replied with an enthusiastic, "Sure!"

"Cool. It's a date, then." Jeremy got control over his body again.

'It's a date'??? Really?? I don't talk like that normally. Michael is gunna know something is up.

Trust me, Jeremy. It's fine.

Michael smiled. "I like your choice of words. It's a date. We should get back to the game. I have made a goal for us to achieve. Let's get to level 16 by uh.... 9pm!" Jeremy laughed a bit and the two began gaming again. Jeremy didn't pay much attention to the squip, as video games were his strong suit. All he could think about were the plans for tomorrow.

Why do I lie? (A Be More Chill fanfic.) Where stories live. Discover now