I Am Mari Yukimura

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Dinner was quiet in the Yukimura household. We ate, small talk here and there.

I didn't really know what to say when I was with my family, and lately it just seemed that they were keeping secrets from me. Especially Kira. We were practically best friends up until a year ago. Now it's like we're complete strangers.

Kira and I are opposites. She was beautiful with her silky black hair and kind eyes, her adorable clumsy and sometimes awkward tendencies. Even her style was cute.

I, on the other hand, am not even in the same ballpark. I dyed my black hair blue, I'm pale and rebellious, I stand at five foot eight, taller then my sister, I have small curves, a slender body, I was blunt sometimes, sarcastic and sometimes got a little to compassionate and sneaky.

Kira tapped my shoulder insistenly and I finally pulled myself from my thoughts. Dad was asking me a question.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Dad spoke in Korean to me, because for some reason I wanted to learn Korean. I'm fluent in Japanese, Korean too, but all really speak is english around here.

"나는 학교 가 얼마나 물었다." (I asked how school was.)

"그것은 잘 했다 . 내 미술 교사 정말 내 작품을 좋아한다." (It was fine. My art teacher really likes my work.)

He smiled. "Good, that's excellent!"

I wish mom was like that. Dad understood me better then she did but he always said it was because I was like mom, mentally and personality wise. But I forced myself to swallow the sushi I had plopped in my mouth and chewed. "Yeah. It is."

"How's your violin lessons going?" Asks Mom. That's one of the few things Mom and I agree on. I liked playing the violin and she liked listening.

"They're going well," Quickly, I directed the subject over to Kira. "Hey, how're you and Scott? And your friends?"

She stuttered at first. "Oh, they're going fine."

"And lacrosse? It's pretty bada-I mean, awesome being the only girl on the team."

She smiled a small smile and my heart clenched a little because it was that same smile she would smile to reassure me everything would be fine. "Thanks, Mari."

I decided to pick a bit, to see what everyone is trying to hide from me. "So, anything interesting going on in you guys life?"

Dad waved his hand at me. "Just grading papers."

Mom shook her head. "Work is the same."

I looked toward Kira with intent as I saw the lies that they thought they could hide. "What about you, Kira?" I asked. She looked like she held in a wince because I never really call Kira by her given name, always sis or Kir.

"It was fine, I went on a camping trip with my friends."

Curiosuity tugged at my mind. "Again? Must've been fun, I'm sure it was."

"H-Huh? Uh, yeah, it, uh, it really was." She lied terribly. I smiled at her to show that I bought it but in reality, I just didn't want to stay at this table full of liars anymore.

So I wiped my mouth with a napkin and stood up, taking my plate with me. "I'm done, I have somewhere to be."

"You didn't finish dinner." Mom spoke, her voice underlined with a stern tone.

I narrowed my eyes barely a fraction. "I'm not that hungry."

I didn't leave any room for arguement as I walked out and washed my plate, then wet to brush my teeth, even when Mom called my name. I grabbed my bag off the floor and did a once over of myself in the mirror.

I was wearing a black Sleeping With Sirens tee, light washed and ripped jean shorts, low cut black and white converse, a leather cuff on my left wrist, black eyeliner and mascara made my dark eyes pop, and my hair was curled. Good. I looked fine.

I left my room and ignored my family as I left, half angry and half done with them.

I took a bus to the next town over, which was Devenford and the ride was about thirty minutes, then walked to a café and bookstore named Jonsie's that I had become a regular at.

The barista  had quickly become friends with smiled at me, tooth chipped a little. "Hey, Mari! You want your usual?"

I shook my head. "Nah, just black coffee."

"Black coffee coming up! Why don't you go find something to read, ah? You look troubled or somethin'."

"Such a way with words, Mac."

"I know." He laughed.

I left to go find a book, scanning through my choices unhurriedly. Even though I would do anything to stop thinking about what my family is hiding, when I come to Jonsie's I don't have to care. And I guess that makes me happy.

"Black coffee for Mari!"

I glanced over and finally grabbed my book before I went and got my coffee from the counter. I nodded a thanks to Mac and went and sat down at a small table in the back corner of Jonsie's.The book I'm reading is a best seller, The Fault in Our Stars, which I happen to like very much so far.

"That a good book?"

I glance upwards at the boy, and it's supposed to be brief but apparently not. "Yeah, it's good."

"Mind if I sit? Jonsie's is kind of full."

I look around to fund that it is in fact full so I nod. "Yeah, go ahead."

He's handsome, the boy. Tall, lean and muscular with a boyish charm and around sixteen or fifteen. His hair's messy, no work put into it at all. Nice.

He sits across from me and it's silence, which is nice. He doesn't push for anything and we read in silence, sipping coffee as it begins to rain outside. Good, it's raining, I think, To bad for my cigarettes though.

I sip my hot black coffee, relishing in it's warmth. It's calm. Peaceful. No fighting. Because Kira's the good child and you'e the mistake, I think bitterly to myself before quickly wiping that thought away. when I feel eyes on me I don't have to look up from my book to know that the guy's staring.

"Are you missing something or is there a reason you're staring?" I then glance up as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Just admiring the view." He says coolly, which causes me to scoff.

"'Admiring the view"?" I stand up. "Could you get anymore cliche?" I grab my bag as he begins to talk.

"Hold on a minute, wait. I'm trying to compliment you."

"You're trying to hit on me." I clarify.

"You're not really the I-blush-and-I'm-all-yours kind of girl, are you?"

"Wonder what gave you that idea."

He smiles, then stands. He sticks out his hand. "I'm Brett Talbot."

I smile a little and shake his hand. "Mari Yukimura."

Faint recognition flashes through his eyes but he seems to forget about it. "Sit down with me?"

"As long as you're not stupid."

"I'll try my best then."

I sit down across from him again as he sits. "So, Mari, what brings you to Jonsie's?"

I roll my neck. "You know Mac?"

"Probably one of the best people I've met outside of Beacon Hills."

"You're not from Devenford?"

"Not even from Beacon Hills. I'm from New York, actually."

"Really? What's it like up there?"

"Good, I guess. Ya know, except from rude people and the more then occasional mugging, but other then that, good. What about you, Brett? Have you always lived in Devenford?"

He nods, rubbing the back of his neck. "Actually, yeah. Never really been out of California."

I grin at him as our conversation really starts up.

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