Imagine - Bradley P2

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OMG 97 READS ON MY BOOK THANK YOU !!!!!! I'M HAPPY SOOoooooOoooo MUCH right now!
Here is your part two my friends, enjoy! <3

"Woah what" said Caleb.
Bradley came over to the bed and took the rifle out of Caleb's hands.
"Wow cool" said Bradley.

You watched from a distance, too afraid to get into it. "Guys be careful". Bradley nodded at you.

"Hey let me see it" said Caleb. Bradley and caleb fighted over the rifle so Bd came in.
"Hey hey kids what the f*** are you doing with that thing".

Bd left the room with the rifle and came back a few minutes later with a stern look. "You kids need to be more responsible".

Bradley just shook his head and you sighed. Caleb put his hands in the air. "It's not my fualt. How can I know that it were there".

Bd walked over to Caleb and grabbed his coat collar. "Don't mess around, we are already stuck here!"

Caleb stormed out. Bd sighed and shouted "you'll get sick if your'e out there too long!!!".

You cuddled up to Bradley and he kissed your cheek. Bd glared at you. "Aww how cute Bradley's got himself a partner. Save the action for at home okay kids? I dont want anything disturbing our family bonding time". Bradley gulped. "Cmon (your name) let's go and find Caleb". You nodded and took his hand.

"Be back soon, dinner's gonna be ready!" Bd shouted from your room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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