Chapter Seven: The Second Attempt

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~Your POV~

My stomach dropped as I caught sight of the person I saw behind me. I hardly had time to react before a vine was wrapped around my mouth, preventing me from screaming.

"Now, now, we wouldn't want Toriel or Frisk hearing us." The flower said, a demented smile on his face. More vines wrapped themselves around my body and I was forced to the ground, my chair falling to the floor. Before it collided with the ground, Flowey caught it with even more vines and placed it on the ground carefully.

My SOUL was ripped from my body, making me screech into the vine. But it was way too muffled for anyone to hear except Flowey. I was having difficulty breathing, the vines were so tightly wrapped around my body. There was no escape. Several white pellets surrounded it, ready to strike. He certainly wasn't wasting any time, he probably just wanted to get it over with before anyone caught him.

"Hmm, I wonder... will you turn to dust or will your lifeless face be seen by Toriel when she wakes up?" Flowey sneered, his face contorting into one from my nightmares. I tried to bite at the vine that was over my mouth, but it was like my jaw was wired shut.

The seeds struck all at once, but they didn't hit my SOUL. Instead, they seemed to freeze right around the border of my SOUL. A faint purple barrier could be seen around it. I let out a sigh of relief, someone had known something like this might happen and decided to protect me. I have a feeling I knew who. I could feel that feeling of being watched again, and not by Flowey.

"You've got to be kidding me." Flowey growled, sending another wave of pellets towards my SOUL. But once again, it couldn't penetrate the barrier. I smirked against the vine, my confidence building.

I glanced at a nearby chair, if I managed to move my legs enough I could make it fall and perhaps create enough noise to wake someone. Frisk had the closer room, maybe they could help.

I was set in my decision, I quickly moved my bound legs in unison. The chair was toppled to the ground with a thunk, it unfortunately didn't make the amount of noise I thought it would. I decided to frantically squirm around too, maybe I could loosen the vines enough.

Instead the vines constricted more painfully, and they suddenly grew thorns that pierced through my fragile skin. But just like last time, it didn't really hurt that much. My blood seeped through my clothes, before quickly spreading onto the vines. Flowey cursed under his breath, realizing his mistake. The vines crippled under the blood's strength.

I ripped the vine around my mouth and before Flowey could stop me, I screamed. A high, varied pitch, garbled scream that shook the house. Flowey was temporarily petrified for a moment, and I grabbed his stem before he could run away.

I heard footsteps crash through the hallway, and I ripped Flowey from the ground. I stood up shakily, using the table as leverage. Frisk arrived first, and I showed them the defeated and uprooted flower in my hands.

"...Hi, Frisk." He said awkwardly, glaring at me with hatred in his eyes. Toriel quickly arrived to, fear in her eyes before she saw Flowey in my grasp.

"Oh my goodness! What happened?!" She exclaimed, a hand over her mouth as she spotted the black blood oozing from my wounds that were slowly closing up.

I gestured to Flowey, then at my SOUL which had followed me when I stood up, then at my blood. I'm sure she could connect the dots.

Toriel put a hand over her heart, taking in a few deep breaths as she processed the situation. Frisk walked over, Chara was staring at Flowey with an unidentifiable emotion.

"You're seriously still trying to steal human SOULs?" Frisk asked Flowey, their arms crossing and an eyebrow raised.

"You wouldn't understand." Flowey growled, staring at Frisk with poisonous hatred. I wondered why he didn't try to take Frisk's, they were asleep while I was awake. They were a much easier target.

Some Souls Don't Break | Female!Chara x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now