WDMD [41]

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"Chase Lynn!"

"RUN!" I screamed.

Before I could even turn around to go, Gabe and Carter had already dashed down the hallway.

The stomping of angry feet became louder and louder and I took that as my cue to run. Preparing myself, I gathered momentum and sprinted down the hallway, catching up to Carter who was far behind Gabe.

"I swear to God, I'll personally murder you if we get out of this alive!" Carter swore, glaring at me before increasing his speed and leaving me behind.

"Chase Lynn!" The high-pitched voice belonging to Sophie Turner screamed, followed by the yells of many other angry teenagers.

I took a small peek and the red faces of angry teenagers running after me greeted me.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath before reducing my speed to round up a corner. After turning, I was harshly pulled back into a room. The door clicked close.

Turning around, I found Carter and Gabe there. Gabe sat on a table, his elbows propped on his knees and his head in his palms as he tried to catch his breath.

Carter, on the other hand, was hunched over with his body moving up and down as he breathed in and out. I also was panting like a mad dog.

Once the footsteps of the angry teenagers had died down, we all let out a needed breath.

Gabe fell back on the table and stared at the ceiling. Carter dropped into a chair and stretched out his legs. I still stood in my spot before I broke out into a huge grin.

"That was awesome!" I squealed, jumping up and pumping my fist in the air.

Carter whipped his head up, looking at me like I was crazy. Gabe didn't even bother to sit up.

"Awesome? That was scary! I almost saw my life flash before my very eyes! And you all that awesome. You're crazy." Carter breathed out. "Can we just not do that again?"

"Stop being a pussy," Gabe chided.

Carter glared at Gabe. Before he could retort, I jumped in between them.

"Okay! Break it up you two," I said with a wave of my hand. "But you got to admit that it was awesome."

"Yeah... Well, it was actually fun. Scary but fun," Carter finally agreed.

"What'd you even do to make half of the school so riled up and ready to kill you?" Gabe asked, sitting up for the first time to look at me.

"Yeah, what'd you do?"

I grinned. "Remember those greeting cards we wrote last year's Christmas that we wanted to share round the school but didn't?" I turned my attention to Gabe.

His eyes widened in realization. "I remember we didn't do that 'cause we thought it was a bad idea."

"You thought it was a bad idea," I pointed out.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever," Gabe muttered. "So you kept 205 greeting cards for a year?"

"Okay, I'm confused," Carter butted in, waving his hands in the air.

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