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Symere P.O.V:

I watched the rain loudly thump the car window, counting every drop as I rested my head on the palm of my hand. I hummed a sweet tune my mom would sing me when I was sick to drown out the rain. As everything got quieter, I could hear the car motor hum as I sighed through my nose.

I was on my way to Jordan's house and  he didn't know it. Me and his' friendship broke apart once he got a girlfriend and blew up. He stopped texting, calling and visiting me all of a sudden. It's not like I tried to do the same with him. I would avoid him any chance I got but now, now I had to man up.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the cab driver snapped his fingers in my face. I looked up and jumped at the sound of the snapping. He let me know we were at the destination and I simply nodded my head.

"O-oh sorry" I mumbled, pulling out my wallet.

I handed him the amount of his choosing and opened the car door, exiting the cab and closing the door with a slam. I stood in front of Jordan's house as I heard the car skirt away.

The rain fell over my hoodie, running its way down to my Gucci pants and Louis Vuitton shoes, maybe I shouldn't have worn such fancy clothes. I took a deep breath, puffing my cheeks as the visible air coming from my mouth blew forwards, and began walking towards the house door.

I shuddered as I finally made it to his door. Part of my shuddering was from the cold rain seething onto my body but the other part was from the nervousness that coursed through my insides.

I slowly pushed my finger down on the doorbell and heard a ring as my heart started racing. Footsteps, then muffled complains were all I heard before I saw the door fly open. My body froze when I saw who it was.

"Yes?" Iggy asked impatiently, dressed down in lingerie.

I bowed my head down and blew a sharp breath before asking "Is Jordan there"

Iggy looked at me deviously before licking her lips and shaking her head slowly.

"M-Maybe I should just go-" I muttered, before getting interrupted by someone behind her.

"Why you taking so damn lon- oh" I heard a man say.

I looked up to see Carti standing with a hand over his girlfriend's shoulder, shirtless.

My cheeks flushed as I knew exactly what I was interrupting. I bowed my head yet again and pointed the heels of my shoes towards each other.

"Hey...... Uzi" He muttered behind his teeth grinding.

Damn.......rapper name basis. I remember our little nicknames we gave each other, 'Mere and Jordy', now look at us, just plain old 'Uzi and Carti'. I'll admit it did break me a little.

What was I doing here? I didn't stop our friendship. If anything he should be apologizing to me. But here I am, boo boo the fooling over someone who doesn't deserve me.

I wasn't gonna say it out loud though, I was too nervous for that. Instead I kept my head down, playing with my fingers.

"Im- gonna go" I said, turning to walk away.

"Stop" Jordan said, walking out to grab my shoulder and spin me towards him.

My face met his as he looked into my eyes, trying to figure out what I was thinking about. I blinked slowly and he finally let out a sigh, running his hands through his blonde dreads.

"Fuck I'm sorry, I missed you Symere" He said, pulling me into an embrace as Iggy begged him to come back in the house.

"Yea......I miss you too" I mumbled, not fully meaning what I said.

My arms were still to my side as Jordan let go and guided me into his house. I heard Iggy kiss her teeth as Jordan sat me down on a nice brown couch.

I let myself get comfortable and rested my body as Jordan plopped down next to me, making the couch creak. My body tensed up and I sat forward, folding my hands.

"Symere" Jordan mumbled, making me look at him, "what happened to us?"

"Tuh, I should ask you that damn question" I mumbled, balling my hands up.

Jordan looked at me with one eyebrow raised as if he didn't understand what I meant. Iggy came behind him to peck his lips and let him know she was going to bed. He nodded his head and turned back to me.

"What you mean Symere?" He asked, burning a hole into my forehead with his eyes.

"Jordan, you must not realize it" I laughed, picking my head up, "you haven't contacted me for a year".

"Symere you know we're still best bud-"

"No we're not. We are not 'buds' anymore Jordan" I snapped.

I thought back to when we made our first song together, when we made our first bag together, when we would shop till we dropped and did it all again. A tear slipped from my watery ducts and I wiped it as Jordan still stared at me.

"Symere....... " Jordan trailed off, "You know I wouldn't try and hurt you. But I can't focus on distractions during my career".

Did he hear himself? I was a distraction to him? I put my career on the line to help him. I got dumped by a bunch of girls I truly loved to be there for him while he wasn't okay. I should've known the friendship was one sided.

" You fucking liar. You know exactly why you cut me off" I spat, "You couldn't handle being friends with a fag huh?".

Jordan's eyes widened and he quickly turned away, running a hand over the back of his neck. He didn't know how to react to being caught being homophobic. I shook my head and made a 'tsk' sound before getting up to leave.

"No Symere" Jordan wrapped his hand around my arm, digging his nails into them. "Let. Me. Explain"

"Jordan let me go it hurts" I hissed, trying to pull away.

"You came to my door, now let me explain" He groaned, a small smile creeping at his lips.

I had never seen Jordan like this, he's being so aggressive. I was scared of him right now and as much as I tried to hide it, his nails digging in my arm were allowing blood to drip past my arm. Tears quickly fell down my cheeks as I begged for him to let me go. After a while, he finally complied.

"I- I'm so sorry I don't know what came over m-"

I put a hand up to stop him from talking. "I'm leaving" I said as I opened the door and stomped out of the house, slamming the door closed behind me.

Squelchy sounds were made under my shoes as I walked my way back home, it was a long walk but I felt like I needed one with the rain drizzling. How could Iggy want a man like that. We went from Symere and Jordan to Symere or Jordan and I hated it.

I finally made it back home and sat on my wet porch as I let tears fall completely, praying to God that I would get my buddy back. I never even got to tell him the words I've been avoiding for a long time.

"I- I love you Jordan" I muttered through hiccups and heaves.

"I will always remember you"


This took wayyy too long for just 1,000+ words. But anyway I actually do like where this is going.

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