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I woke up the next morning to my dad knocking on my door, I rolled over in my bed and rolled my eyes.

"can I talk to you?"

"I don't know, you gonna leave to go to work in the middle of it?" I replied back to him.

"I deserved that" I felt my bed dip and a hand placed hesitantly on my shoulder.

I miss him, I always do and I hate myself for it because he's such an ass to my mom and sisters.

"does anthem feel upset about me not coming home or breaking the promises I made y'all?" I turned over and sat up in my spot, exposing my old 'why don't we' t-shirt. he looked surprised by it.

"you wouldn't believe how heart broken anthem was. she wouldn't eat her dinner and she yelled at mom. you haven't had a real conversation with me in months, and honestly deja and I are really sick and tired of seeing mom so hurt all the time. what happened to the old you's, huh? the stories you used to tell me and deja when we were younger of how y'all met and how you guys loved each other so much. how you would be there for her always, how you would love her till the end, remember when she took you back after you cheated?" I asked him with tears in my eyes.

"honestly, I don't know phoenix. I don't know what happened to me and your mom. everything was so so well after she and I got back together after I made that mistake. but, after I started my solo career everything started to go downhill." he picked his head up in realization and I nodded my head

"maybe you shouldn't be doing music anymore dad. uncle corbyn, uncle jack, or uncle zach aren't doing music— they're spending time with their family. I know you love music, but you are old now dad. it's time to settle down and be with us. I miss you, I really do but it's hard for me to respect you because you've given me no reason too" he nodded.

"i'll fix this, I promise. i'll make your sisters and mom happy again. i'm sorry phoenix, for everything" he looked at me sincerely and I nodded, smiling a little bit.

"i'll forgive you, once you prove it"

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