Chapter 2

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Author POV:

Bubbles looked away, her pale cheeks blooming into a red color of embarrassment. "Yes." She responded, ignoring Boomer's disbelief stare.

"Are you sure it wasn't another guy?" Boomer brings up, finding an excuse that he's not the baby daddy.

Bubbles head quickly spanned to look at Boomer, "You're the only guy I slept with!" Bubbles angrily yelled, feeling offended by Boomer's question.

It's not the idea of him being a father that worries Boomer, it's the idea of himself being the baby father to his best friend's younger sister that worries Boomer. Imagine how angry Brick will be.

Imagine what he'll do to him after finding out.

Boomer gulps, "Have you thought of abortion?" He asks, and Bubbles gasps at the thought "Of course not! How could I? It's not the baby's fault, it's my own fault for not being careful. I shouldn't hurt the baby because of my carelessness" Bubbles huffs and stands up from Boomer's bed.

"I should go, it's obvious you don't want to be part of this." Bubbles quietly said, she picks up her small blue purse and begins to walk towards the door, but a hand gets ahold of her wrist, stopping her from walking away any further.

"No, don't go." Boomer says, looking right into her eyes. "I'm sorry, it's j-just.." Boomer looks away before stepping back. "I would've thought that you didn't want the child since you just began college and I'm someone older than you" Boomer confesses, feeling horrible now.

Bubbles heavily sighed, and sits right back down on his bed. It's quiet for a few seconds before Boomer grabbed the courage to walk a few steps closer and kneel down before her, "C-can I touch your belly?" He asks, reaching out his hand, but not making skin contact until he gets a nod from her.

The baby bump isn't very noticeable, but Boomer can feel it when he places his hand on Bubbles stomach, there's a little bump and Boomer smiles at the thought of his baby growing.

It takes a few seconds before Boomer is pulling away his hand and stands right back up. "We need to formalize a plan." Boomer said, and he  grabs a chair near his work desk and sits right in front of Bubbles. "What do you mean?" She asked, straightening her back and putting her full focus on Boomer.

"During the time of your pregnancy, I'll need you to stay living with me. Just in case anything happens I'll be close by to help you and get you anything you need." Boomer assured her, and Bubbles doesn't respond back yet.

"You can continue going to your classes and studying, I'll take care of the baby's accessories, since I'm the one who's working right now. Once the baby is born, we can arrange days and time on who will take care of the baby" Boomer tells her and reaches out for her delicate hand, "You won't be alone"

Boomer is startled and confused to see Bubbles eyes are glassy and her lip's begun to tremble.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Boomer asks, worried about Bubbles reaction. "It's just...I didn't think you would put a lot of effort on wanting to be in my baby's life" Bubbles sobs and covers her face with the palm of her small hands. Boomer leaves his chair to sit next to Bubbles on the bed and his lips form into a small smile before pulling her hands down onto her lap so he could wipe away her tears.

"Our baby," Boomer corrected her, before pulling her into a warm hug. They both rocked their bodies back and forth until Bubbles cries are quiet down and Boomer began to hear soft snores. He guessed she must've fallen asleep from all the stress she had in school and having to plan on how to bring up the topic she's pregnant to him.

He gently picked her up and placed her in the middle of the bed before covering her body with a warm blanket. He walked away from the bedroom to go into the kitchen.

It takes a few minutes, but Boomer began to worry about the whole situation and tried to remember his best about that crazy night.

He realizes he can't do anything now but step up and get prepared for the new position of being a father to his unborn child and take care of the mother of his baby during the meantime.


It's probably around night time, and Bubbles wakes up to the strong smell of cooking. She rubs her eyes and takes off the blanket placed on top of her to get out of the bed.

She follows the smell of creamy garlic pasta and finds the tall handsome man in the kitchen cutting a few vegetables in small pieces while humming a song. He doesn't noticed her presence until Bubbles stomach growls loudly.

Bubbles cheeks turns into a pink blush, but Boomer chuckles and puts the knife down on the cutting board, before asking her with a gentle smile, "Are you hungry?" Bubbles only nods and gets escorted to the dinner table to wait. It's not long before Boomer brings her a plate full of pasta with a glass cup of juice.

Bubbles waits patiently for Boomer to bring his own food and sit down next to her.

They quietly eat in each other's presence in silence, it isn't uncomfortable but it isn't comfy as well. They both don't know what to talk about, the baby topic is probably the longest conversation they ever had since meeting each other.

Boomer let's out a cough, and cleans his mouth with a napkin. "You can sleep tonight here, if you like?" Boomer says, looking down at his plate and Bubbles eyes are round like owls, it takes a second but she responds, "Y-yes, thank you."

When dinner is done Boomer suggested she sleeps in his bed while he sleeps on the couch. He tells her she would be more comfortable and relaxed on the bed, he gives her a few extra blankets in case it gets cold during the night and leaves the room to give herself some privacy.

Bubbles kept looking back a few times in hesitation, but she swiftly moved and jumps behind his back to hug him. Bubbles feels grateful and obviously shy, because it isn't long before she's pushing out of the room and shutting the door.

Boomer is left confused, but doesn't think too much about it before he goes back into the kitchen to finish cleaning the dishes and organize the plates.

Boomer lost the idea of having children or becoming a father during his early twenties, he remembered how badly he wanted a child of his own and the thought never stopped popping up into his mind until he realized most of his life revolve around work and he barely had time for himself.

It reminded him of his relationship with his own parents because of the amount of times they were barely there for him.

The phone began to ring and Boomer breaks out of his spacing out. He puts the last clean plate away before drying his hands with a small towel and reaches out for his smartphone on the kitchen counter.

When turning the smartphone around to see the screen, Boomer swears he felt his heart stopped and his vision become blurry.

{Best friend calling🔈...}


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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