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TJ woke up by the sound of his alarm. It was 7 o'clock and TJ had only half an hour to get ready for school. Once he got up, the boy went straight to the bathroom. Returning back to his room, he saw his phone vibrate for a bit, due to a notification he had just received.

Cy: Iced Coffee?

Teej: Sure thing. Same hour, same place.

His heart skipped a bit as he sent the message. The boy really loved those little moments he was sharing with Cyrus.

After he got dressed, he grabbed his bag and went downstairs, straight up to the kitchen. Amber was already there, eating breakfast. TJ did not bother make himself any breakfast. He just gave his sister a quick hug, grabbed his keys and then made his way through the door. On his way out he heard Amber's voice.

"Are you not going to eat?"
"I am meeting Cyrus by the Coffee Shop, we are grabbing iced coffee there."

Iced Coffee. This kind of a drink was Cyrus' favourite. TJ did not hate coffee but, he did not love it as well. Apart from that, of course, he wanted something to help him make it through the day. It was also really really hard for him to resist the brunette boy, so iced coffee it is.

As soon as TJ made it to the coffee shop, he saw Cyrus waiting for him, wearing his casual outfit and playing through his phone.

So cute, he thought.

"Hey" the brunet boy greeted him, with the usual smile.

TJ smiled back at him. "Shall we?" he said offering his hand. Cyrus giggled and as soon as he grabbed the boys hand, they went inside.

The atmosphere was nice, and the smell of coffee was all over the place. Tj loved this kind of atmosphere, but most importantly he loved being there with Cyrus.

"Good morning boys, the usual?" they heard a girl's voice, Olivia's as they got to the counter. Cyrus' smile was now wide as he noded to her. She laughed in exchange and started making their order.

Olivia was no older than them at all. The girl graduated last year from high school and decided to work at her father's café, until, she decides what she wants to do about her future. Anyone could tell she loved her current job, due to her moves and expressions.

At this moment, her red curled hair were in a messy bun and her apron was a little dirty, although, she did not complain. The big smile she always has, never left her face.

The Cafe Shop was their usual spot, so, it was impossible for them to get unnoticed, since the boys knew pretty much everyone who worked at the specific café.

They found out about the spot two years ago. That day, the rain was heavy and the boys were looking for a spot to not get any more wet. Their laughter and giggles were all over the place. As they entered the store, the red-haired girl greeted them with a big smile. From that day, the three of them developed a heartwarming relationship.

As soon as they got their drinks, they started walking to school. They did not talk in the process of making it through their destination. It was a peaceful and comfortable silence.


"TJ we have talked about this before. You know I do not believe in love anymore. I do not even believe in liking someone anymore. I have accepted my fate, I am going to end up living alone with fourteen cats." Cyrus mumbled as soon as they arrived at school. Macabre someone could say.

TJ just signed. He wanted to laugh due to the last remark Cyrus made. He did not. To be honest, he did not even realise how they ended up talking about this again.

Deep down he knew. Seeing the one and only Nathaniel, aka Cyrus' ex boyfriend and ex love of his life, holding hands with a different boy, was not the best way to start their day.

It was heartbreaking to hear those words from the boy he had a crush on. He knew he was heartbroken but not like this,giving up at love and being loved romantically. Until-

"What if I told you, I could make you fall in love again?!"
Cyrus laughed, he could not believe in his ears. When he saw TJ's face, he went serious again.

"Oh, you are being serious!"

TJ just raised an eyebrow in response.

"No Theodore, this is ridiculous." He said in a serious voice.

Theodore. When Cyrus was calling TJ Theodore, he was dead serious. TJ decided to tease.

"Are you afraid, Goodman?!" he said in a mocking tone. Cyrus went red, but he did not respond.

Besides, in less than two weeks school is over, what could possibly go wrong?

Their conversation was interrupted my the school bell, which ment, first period has already started.

"Fine. I am giving you ten days." Cyrus said after a few seconds, and without waiting for a response, he moved away to the opposite way.

TJ laughed.

Well damn, challenge accepted Mr. Goodman.

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