/ Sick! /

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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ┉┉┉┉┉

Colby's P•O•V

I woke up to the sound of my baby girl crying for the fourth time today. I glance over to the clock on the bedside table it was 9 am. The last time I was awake to go and see her was 7 am.

I quickly get up and walk over to Y/N's room. As soon as I open the door my eyes landed on the toddler red faced, crying and gripping onto the cribs bars. "Hey baby" I cooed as I picked her up and out of the crib.

She puts her head on my shoulder and snuggled up into my neck, sniffling. I touch her forehead with the back of my hand to check her temperature, it was HOT. "Aw having a fever?" I cooed as she grip my shirt in a fistful.

I walk downstairs to gave her a water or something. I take a sippy cup and pour some water in, then handing it to her. I tried to put her down but she whimpers and started to rubbed her face roughly.

"Hey hey, it's okay" I say prying off her chubby hands from her face. She started to drink while I open the medicine cabinet to take a thermometer, I open them up and told Y/N to lift her hand up, I put the thermometer under her arm and then told her to put down her hands. While the thermometer is taking her temperature I sway her side to side.

The thermometer beeps and I take it from her under arm. 104.3 It says. I sigh and pat her small back. Her cries died down, She takes her head off of my shoulder and look at me with a tired eyes and red face.

"Aw baby" I cooed and caress her chubby cheek. She put her head back on my shoulder with her sippy cup tight in her chubby hands. She started hiccuping and that makes me worried even more.

That's it. I'm taking her to the hospital. I walk back upstairs to my room and woke up Rachel (my wife). "Hey babe, I think N/N has a bad fever she has been crying the whole night" I explain to her. "Okay" She said getting up. I put Y/N on the bed making her crying hysterically.

I sigh. I take a shirt and slipped it on then picking the crying child back up. "Hey shh shh" I cooed patting her small back as she laid her head on my shoulder again.

"You ready?" My wife ask walking out of the bathroom with only my sweatshirt and a shorts on. "Yeah" I said walking downstairs, grab my car keys and drove off.

At the hospital~

We waited as the nurse told us to wait in the room. All these beeping noises and crying makes Y/N nervous. She sits on my wife's lap while we waited for the doctors. Then a doctor came in. She smiles at us then sits on her office chair.

She turn to Y/N who has a really drowsy look on her face combine with red patch. "Hi, Ms. Brock, I am Doctor Reese, what can I help you with today?" She ask.

"She has been crying for the past few nights, we thought it was just another regular fever but it wasn't and that makes us really worried" Rachel explains to the doctor. Ms. Reese nodded and take Y/N's temperatures.

"This is a very high temperature" She mumbled. Rachel look at me with a worried look. I smiled reassuring it will be fine. Ms. Reese ask Rachel to put Y/N on the hospital bed and she did, making Y/N cry and clutch onto her with dear life.

"Hey it's gonna be fine I'm right here bub" Rachel says. Then Ms. Reese take a look in her throat and some check ups. Then she says "She has a high fever, strep throat with an ear infection".

"But don't worry, I'll gave you a prescription for her medication then she'll be good in a few days, If some of the medicine doesn't have an effect on her or if she had an allergic reaction, please come back as soon as possible" She explains writing down something.

Rachel takes Y/N off of the hospital bed and out her on her hips. "Shh shh" Rachel tried to calm her down which is successful. Ms. Reese gave the prescription to me and I thank her before opening the door for my baby-girls and taking Y/N's medicine.

"It all will be okay" I said to Y/N who was clutching onto her mother. She look up to me and gave a small smile. I kiss her forehead.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ┉┉┉┉┉

Most of the idea credits are from AudreyJensen0045 Go on and follow her! She has some great books! Thanks for these ideas Audrey!

If you have any ideas or request, please comment or message me privately! Thanks. Stay beautiful my loves!

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