Last....Goodbye my summer|| Mina x Male x Jisoo

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Mina x Male reader x Jisoo
Genre: Angst
Word: 2076


Today was last summer vacation with my bestfriend Jisoo and Mina. Well, Today i'm going to confess to Jisoo. We've been knew each other for the long time... Like, so long. I mean not as much as Mina. But i know her better than herself i guess. I know Mina since we child, for Jisoo we knew since we on elementary school. I give her signal but it wasn't work at all.

"Yah... Y/n. What are you thinking of?" Mina bring me back to reality.

"ugh... N-nothing.... Mina, remember when we were child we promise should not hiding a secret right? Did you still remember that promise?" I said with full of joyness.

"Hm? Sudd-" i cutted her off

"well... There's secret i keep for a long time, and promise me u would never tell someone else. Please don't be surprised nor fainted okay!" I said excitedly

Mina nod and stared me with face full of curiosity. I take a deep breath.

"Well... I-i g-guess, I LOVE KIM JISOO" I say it while closing my eyes.

Mina POV

I widened, he said while close his eyes. I can't say some word and only looked at his figure, the way he said he like-no, i mean he love her is........

I felt my tears fall on my cheeks, he open his eyes slowly. I felt like all this moment in slow motion, slowly my heart broken, slowly i can't breath, slowly i have to let you go. But, i-i can't. Never.

"MINA! why are you crying!?" he yelled and cares my face, wiped my tears with his thumb.

When he said those word i felt like my heart is broken into a pieces and all my world feel like will fall apart. The one who i loved never look at me like the same way i look at him.

I just stare..... Stare.... Stare... And stay... Stay crying, stay staring him.

"I-i.... I.... Proud of you y/n. You grew up so.... Fast....." I said chuckles while my tears still fall onto my cheeks.

"You don't have to react like that. You look ugly when you cried and you know that i'm very easily to get worried, especially when YOU cried" he said as he wiped my tears and chuckled.

*Time Skip

After all those scene, we stay quite on the beach And suddenly he broke the silence.

"Hey, Pengu.... Would u help me to win Jisoo heart. I don't think that if i knew about Jisoo girly things when she date me... I planned to confess to her tonight at the place near this beach. So help me pengu-chan?" He said with hopefuly eyes

"Look.... I-i think that i can't help you... Cause i- well... I hav-" my word suddenly cutted off by Jisoo Bring -------------------------------------------------------.



Jisoo comeback and who's the guy behind her. I felt like my jelousy killing me. She back with hand full of drink and snack. We just sat on the beach and just stare at the skies and the star.

I grab my phone and text Mina for distract the guy beside me. And Mina answered she will try.

I whisper to Jisoo to follow me. I drag her to the side of beach which is the best spotted of this beach. That place full of candles and beautiful yellow lamp hanging on the tree.

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